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  1. Feb 3, 2015 · This Handbook focuses on one fundamental social behavior process, coercion. The vast majority of coercion is expressed by the simple use of aversive behavior to win a conflict. The coercion dynamic likely evolved as an efficient and effective means to establish dominance and resolve conflict in favor of group cohesion (de Waal, 2000). However ...

  2. in the social sciences." 13 Since in-custody interrogations are highly secretive, the Court had to infer what transpired from questionable data - reported decisions involving attempts to re-cant confessions on claims of coercion,14 and police manuals 6 G. STAUNDFORD, LES PLEES DEL CORONE 142a-b (I607) (translated from law French). 'Pierce v.

  3. Feb 1, 2004 · Culture and Aggr ession—From Context to Coer cion. Michael Harris Bond. Department of Psycholo gy. Chinese University of Hong K ong. This article is an attempt to study the ne glected linkages ...

  4. Feb 28, 2023 · Colvin (2000) argues that to address coercion and consequent offending and prevent the spiral of coercion, strategies for intervention should be designed at both inter-and-impersonal levels, thus ‘changing the immediate and larger contexts that perpetuate coercion while also altering the individual’s social-psychological characteristics that have developed through the dynamics of coercion ...

  5. Apr 13, 2023 · Coercive control may also involve economic abuse, by threatening economic security and independence (Postmus et al., 2020), intimate partner stalking (Mechanic et al., 2008), as well as reproductive coercion, such as pregnancy coercion or interference with contraception (Miller et al., 2010).

  6. Feb 3, 2015 · Parents learn to provide clearly stated directives in neutral affect and follow up with positive reinforcement for cooperation and small negative sanctions (e.g., Time Out) for noncompliance. The effect of the intervention is to bring the overlearned aspects of coercion out in the open.

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  8. Jun 29, 2017 · ABSTRACT. Coercion can be employed both to entice people to do something they do not want to do, as well as to force them to stop doing something they want to do. Yet, some influence strategies work better than others. Current policy undermines coercive goals by depending on economic models for incentivizing behavior which are totally at odds ...

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