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5 LEVELS OF LEADERSHIP BY JOHN MAXWELL 70. The best leaders at Level 3 find ways to win. They always do. They produce, and they do so, day in and day out, regardless of the odds, obstacles, circumstances or challenges. If this is you, everyone wants you to lead them or their team. 71. Momentum is the Level 3 leader’s best friend.
Level 4: People-Based Leadership – Leading by Reproduction Level 4 is where true leadership shines. You're not just achieving results; you're developing other leaders. You’re building a team capable of achieving even greater things, long after you are gone. This level involves mentoring, coaching, and empowering others to succeed.
Focus on the team and the dream should take care of itself. The type of challenge determines the type of team you require: A new challenge requires a creative team. An ever-changing challenge requires a fast, flexible team. An Everest-sized challenge requires an experienced team.
Level 1—Position. Position is the lowest level of leadership—the entry level. The only influence a positional leader has is that which comes with the job title. People follow because they have to. Positional leadership is based on the rights granted by the position.
Teams involve more people, thus affording more resources, ideas, and energy than would an individual. Teams maximize a leader’s potential and minimize her weaknesses. Strengths and weaknesses are more exposed in individuals. Teams provide multiple perspectives on how to meet a need or reach.
The challenge of leadership is to create change and facilitate growth. The 5 levels of leadership are principles that provide steps for leadership growth. This summary includes the upside, downside, and best behaviors for each Level of Leadership.
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How does a leader do more than just hang on and survive in such an environment? The key is to learn how to continually make leadershifts. What is a leadershift? It is an ability and willingness to make a leadership change that will positively enhance organizational and personal growth. Educator and author Bruna Martinuzzi cites a study conducted by