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      • This is usually used to describe someone who is loud and opinionated, usually without regard for other people, or without self-awareness.
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  2. Apr 3, 2018 · Abrasive personalities can come off as pushy and impatient even without intending to. They just have expectations that they want met.

  3. Jun 13, 2014 · Many a times, we tend to meet someone who is ignorant yet arrogant; to the extent that they can go a long way blabbing about something they don't really know with so much vigour. What can you refer to such a person as?

  4. Sep 4, 2015 · The definitions make it seem like those words really refer to arrogance, and the word "unassuming" (which to me should refer to someone who wisely and charitably refrains from assuming things about people too quickly) is defined as "not having a desire to be noticed or praised."

  5. Dec 2, 2023 · A brash character tends to act without considering the consequences of their actions, often resulting in unexpected outcomes. They may also come across as arrogant or overconfident due to their tendency to speak their minds without hesitation.

    • Brash
    • Charming
    • Considered
    • Friendly
    • Lilting
    • Polite
    • Posh
    • Sarcastic
    • Soft-Spoken
    • Trustworthy


    Having a lot of confidencebut not much respect for others.


    “The Londoner’s brashand cocky accent seemed to imply he thought he was better than everyone else in the room.” “The brashvoices of the British couple at the other table filled the restaurant to the point where everyone else knew all the sordid details of their relationship.”

    How it Adds Description

    A “brash” sounding voice is often loud and can seem to drown out those around them. Some British accents can naturally seem this way, especially some from the North such as Manchester, or a London East Endaccent in the South. It can also help to signify what the person with a British accent thinks about the people around them, perhaps thinking they are better or granted privileges because of their nationality.


    Pleasant and attractive.


    “His charmingBritish accent made the girls swoon over him.” “Using her charmingBritish accent it felt like she could get away with anything.”

    How it Adds Description

    Often a British accent can be seen as “charming”, especially if it is considered to be upper-class. This can make it irresistible for characters with different accents, and the accent holder might even use it to their advantage to get what they want.


    Putting a lot of thoughtbehind decisions and choices.


    “The carefully considerednature of his British accent made him appear to be the smartest person in the room, even when he clearly wasn’t.” “There seemed to be consideredthought over everything that came out of the British diplomat’s mouth.”

    How it Adds Description

    Sometimes a British accent can appear to be intelligent and have a lot of thought put behind every word. This can sometimes lead to characters being seen as respectable and smart, even if their intentions are less than pure. If you have a character that speaks in this manner, consider describing their accent as “considered”.


    Pleasant and kindtowards someone.


    “Her friendlyBritish accent was as warm and inviting as a freshly brewed cup of tea.” “The friendlyBritish accent of the waitress reminded her that she was finally home.”

    How it Adds Description

    For some, a British accent can be a warming and caring presence, that can help to put them at ease. It could be a Brit returning home, or a soothing quality that helps to comfort characters in times of need. Try describing the accent of a British person in your writing as “friendly”.


    Gently rising and fallingin a way that is nice to listen to.


    “Her liltingBritish accent turned every conversation into a song.” “His liltingaccent had as many peaks and valleys as the Welsh village he came from.”

    How it Adds Description

    Some British accents almost have a sing-song quality in the way that they move up and down. This can often lead other characters to be captivated by them and their melodious quality. For accents such as Welsh, or others, consider describing them as having a “lilting” quality.


    Behaving in a socially correctway that considers the feelings and needs of others.


    “Her British accent was so politelyspoken that it directly contrasted with the coarse words coming out of her mouth.” “The polite nature of his British accent helped many to warm to and trust him.”

    How it Adds Description

    British accents are often associated with good manners, especially in those accents that enunciate clearly. This can lead characters to be seen as “polite”, which can be a bit of a shock to your reader and characters if they end up being a lot crasser than their voice lets on!


    From a high social class.


    “Her poshBritish accent gave an impression of entitlement that some found irritating.” “His poshBritish accent stuck out in the crowd like a sore thumb.”

    How it Adds Description

    One of the stereotypes of a British accent is that it is “posh”. This can often give ideas that the person speaking is rich or upper class, and may be expected to look down on characters who may not be from the same background as them. However, looks can be deceiving and they may end up having a heart of gold!


    Making remarks that are deliberately the oppositeof what you mean, either for humorous effect or to demean others.


    “With a sarcasticBritish accent, he delivered such witty remarks that those around him were unsure whether to laugh or take offense.” “Her British accent made her sarcasticcomments cut even deeper than intended.”

    How it Adds Description

    Sarcasm is part of the British condition, and as such it stands to reason that you could describe their accent as “sarcastic”. Some characters and your reader might take this in good humor, whereas others who don’t know them as well may find them rude.


    Having a quiet and pleasantvoice.


    “Despite the large crowd, his soft-spokenBritish accent could be heard clearly, drawing people in with its understated charm and warmth.” “Do not let looks deceive you. Behind that soft-spokenBritish accent is a ferocious beast of a woman.”

    How it Adds Description

    Characters with “soft-spoken” voices could be timid, or their accent could be at odds with their personality. Often characters with British accents that are “soft-spoken” are seen as compassionate and caring, or they may even reserve their softer side for characters that they care a lot about and no one else.


    Able to be trusted.


    “Her trustworthynature was reflected in her calm and measured British accent, which conveyed a sense of sincerity and reliability to all those who heard her speak.” “There was something trustworthyand reassuring in his British accent that made the group feel that following him was a good idea.”

    How it Adds Description

    Sometimes a British accent can seem very assuring, to the point where others may find it “trustworthy” by sound alone. This might make your reader wary on behalf of your characters as to whether they can trust their intentions.

  6. Jun 10, 2022 · An abrasive personality is someone who has a dominating and intimidating presence. They are direct in their manner of communicating and also controlling. They disregard the feelings of others and do not tolerate failure or mistakes.

  7. Use Brash to describe a person: For example, “He was so brash in his comments during the meeting that many people felt offended.” Use Brash to describe an action: For example, “Her brash decision to quit her job without a backup plan surprised everyone.”

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