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  1. kicks off, tongues of fire appear and tongues of language are spoken...whatever you hone in on, this is a blessed and beautiful occasion. For kids, we celebrate Pentecost for its historical importance, as well as recognition of how God wants us to continue sharing the Gospel with others.

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  2. Jun 19, 2019 · The Acts of the Apostles describes how this “violent wind” came from heaven and “filled the whole house where they were sitting.” The wind is then joined by fire.

  3. There was a sound as of a rushing mighty wind, and there were cloven tongues as it were of fire. Take the symbols separately. The first is wind— an emblem of Deity, and therefore a proper symbol of the Holy Spirit.

    • Pentecost Reminds Us of The Holy Spirit, Period.
    • Pentecost Reminds Us of The Power of The Holy Spirit.
    • Pentecost Reminds Us of The Importance of The Great Commission.
    • Pentecost Encourages Us in Our Labor.
    • Pentecost Gives Us Hope.
    • Pentecost Overwhelms Us with A Sense of Awe and Reverential Worship.

    For some Christians, the Holy Spirit is kind of like “the forgotten God,” as Francis Chan expressed it. We talk much of “God,” or “Jesus,” but the Holy Spirit gets less attention. Maybe it’s because we don’t understand Him. Maybe we’re afraid of “getting all charismatic.” Whatever the case, Pentecost is worth celebrating if, for no other reason, we...

    If a single word could be used to describe the events on Pentecost, it would be the word, “power.” To a huddled group of discouraged disciples, there came the sound of hurricane-force winds, the strange presence of flames above each head, and then an explosion of gospel witness that catapulted the Jerusalem church to a force that was too large to i...

    In order to really grasp the “why” of Pentecost, it helps to understand the “when.” Pentecost took place on the heels of Jesus’ final command, “Go and make disciples.” After a brief pause — like the calm before a mighty storm — the Holy Spirit arrived. A major part of his mission was to empower the disciples to fulfill Christ’s command. The injunct...

    The Book of Acts opens with a bang — the Holy Spirit arrives (Acts 2:2) and the world begins to be turned upside down by the Church (Acts 17:6). The remainder of the Book of Acts chronicles the tireless labor of Peter, Paul, and others as they experience labors, imprisonments, beatings, being stoned, shipwrecks, danger from rivers, danger from robb...

    One of the reasons why celebrating Pentecost is such a glorious thing is because of its hope-giving power. When the disciples scurried off to their upper room retreat after Jesus’ ascension, they may have been a rather discouraged group. Here they were — a handful of people, invested with great truth, and commissioned with great promise. But where ...

    Those who meditate little upon the greatness of God will little appreciate his infinitude. But when we look — really look — at our God in all His fullness, we can’t help but be overwhelmed. Seizing opportunity at Pentecost to meditate upon the Holy Spirit will create in every believer a yearning for His power and a sense of humility in the face of ...

    • 1 min
    • 2010
  4. May 20, 2013 · The mighty rushing wind connects back to the first day of creation where in the first verses of the Bible we are told that “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth...

  5. Pentecost reminds us that wind can represent the power of the Holy Spirit. It is only through the Spirit that we can develop godly love and a sound mind. On the Day of Pentecost after Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, the disciples were all together.

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  7. Jun 2, 2017 · Pentecost is the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church. The story is recounted in the Book of Acts. 'When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place,' we are told. 'Suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were ...

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