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  1. Scripture clearly states that God did not require animals (and even humans) to ingest meat as part of their diets. All living things were commanded to eat only plant-based foods for their daily sustenance.

  2. The books of Acts, Galatians and 2 Peter tell us that the apostles met together and communicated with one another during the early years of the church. However, it is not clear when the various apostles left on missionary trips to share the gospel in different parts of the world.

  3. In verse 22, Peter affirms the steps that these believers had already taken toward loving one another, and he calls on them to round out their love with passion and purity [READ v. 22]. I’d like you to notice one thing about Peter’s language in that first phrase.

    • Abraham & Sarah. The couple who believed God and journeyed through life together through the highs and lows as they waited for God’s promise to be fulfilled in their marriage.
    • Isaac & Rebekah. The couple who did not have to wait to know that they were meant to be. They fell in love the moment they saw each other & everything else they went through is history.
    • Ruth & Boaz. The selfless couple who let played part in one of the most beautiful redemption stories in the Bible. They looked out for the well-being of others and were blessed for it.
    • Priscilla & Aquila. The couple who served God together, risked their lives for the sake of the gospel, showed hospitality countless times, and made an impact in the lives of many people.
  4. After Paul left them in Ephesus, they heard Apollos speaking in the synagogue, but his knowledge of the truth was deficient. Priscilla and Aquila took him aside in a private setting and shared vital insights. Apollos received their words, traveled to Achaia, and flourished in ministry there.

  5. Bible Study on 1 Corinthians 16:12. Subject: 'Paul's working relationship with Apollos'. Explanation, commentary, insight and analysis.

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  7. But first, he needed the encouragement of Elijah. Truly, this illustrates our need of one another and the encouragement and challenge that we can get from each other in the body of Christ. “Behold, Elijah met him.” As in chapter 17, the word “behold” is here for a reason.

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