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Hopeless Pictures is an American adult animated comedy television series starring the voices of Lisa Kudrow and Bob Balaban, and produced and broadcast by the IFC. [1][2] The cartoon follows fictional film producer Mel Wax, voiced by Michael McKean, in a spoof of the Hollywood movie industry.
Fri, Oct 7, 2005. Hopeless producer pitches an idea for a new football fantasy flick and Studio Head, Mel Wax, is panic-stricken when a big time star drops out of his new project. Starring Michael McKean, Jennifer Coolidge, Bob Balaban. Rob Reiner guest stars.
The head of a dysfunctional Hollywood studio contends with life and business.Hopeless Pictures is an American animated comedy series starring the voice of Fr...
- 16 min
- 648
- gusic
Mel Wax faces a hostile buyout of Hopeless Pictures, a confrontation with his wife after she discovers more evidence of his infidelities and a disaster in Zagreb, where the incorrigible Swedish director ends up in a coma. Rate. S1.E3 ∙ Dogville. Wed, Aug 31, 2005.
Here’s the plot: "Hopeless Pictures is an American animated comedy series starring the voice of Friends actress Lisa Kudrow, Seinfeld guest actor Bob Balaban, and produced and broadcast by...
Hopeless Pictures is an American animated comedy series starring the voice of Friends actress Lisa Kudrow, Seinfeld guest actor Bob Balaban, and produced and broadcast by the IFC. The cartoon follows fictional film producer Mel Wax, voiced by Michael McKean, in a spoof of the Hollywood movie industry. Stylistically the show makes use of the ...
Aug 19, 2005 · Hopeless Pictures is an American animated comedy series starring the voice of Friends actress Lisa Kudrow, Seinfeld guest actor Bob Balaban, and produced and broadcast by the IFC. The cartoon follows fictional film producer Mel Wax, voiced by Michael McKean, in a spoof of the Hollywood movie industry.