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      • An AST blood test, or SGOT test, checks how much AST, a liver enzyme, is present in the blood. High levels of AST in the bloodstream could be a sign of liver damage, or cell damage in another organ such as the heart or kidneys.
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  2. Jan 5, 2024 · An AST test looks for blood levels of aspartate aminotransferase, an enzyme found mostly in the liver. Higher-than-average AST levels may be a sign of liver damage or liver disease, though there may be other causes at play.

    • Overview
    • Why is the AST test performed?
    • What level of AST is concerning?
    • What does a high AST level mean?
    • How is the AST test done?
    • How to prepare for an AST test?
    • What are the risks of the AST test?
    • What follow-up testing may be necessary?
    • Frequently asked questions
    • Summary

    An AST blood test measures levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and helps determine liver function. Too much of this enzyme can indicate a problem, such as liver damage.

    Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) is an enzyme mostly found in the liver. AST is also present in other parts of the body, including the:




    Another name for the AST enzyme is serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT).

    Doctors primarily use the AST blood test to check for and assess liver problems, usually alongside other liver tests. The AST protein mainly occurs in the liver and heart. With liver damage, AST can leak from the liver into the bloodstream. When this happens, AST levels in the blood will be higher than normal.

    AST also occurs in the brain, heart, kidneys, and muscles. If there is damage in any of these areas, AST levels may also increase.

    People may have an AST test for screening, diagnosis, or monitoring purposes. A doctor may recommend this test if a person:

    •has risk factors for liver disease, such as family history, obesity, or diabetes

    •has symptoms of a liver problem, such as jaundice, fatigue, or unexplained weight loss

    •is undergoing treatment for a liver condition, as an AST blood test can help show how well treatment is working

    After taking a blood test, doctors will classify AST ranges as normal, high, or low. Laboratories may use different testing methods for analyzing samples, so normal ranges can vary between each laboratory. The ranges can also vary based on age, sex, weight, and race, and can still be considered normal.

    The measurements for AST levels are typically in units per liter (U/L) or international units per liter (IU/L). On a test result, the laboratory will usually list their specific reference range.

    The following table indicates general AST blood test ranges:

    People will need to look at this reference range and discuss with their doctor what their test results mean for them.

    Results from an AST blood test can help indicate liver health.

    If AST levels are high, it may also be a sign of:

    •chronic hepatitis

    •damage from alcohol

    •cholestasis, a decrease in bile flow

    •heart, kidney, bone, or muscle damage

    The AST blood test is straightforward and similar to any other blood test. A healthcare professional may take the following steps:

    •sit the person down and tie a stretchy band around the upper arm to increase blood flow to that area

    •clean the site of the blood draw with an antiseptic wipe

    •insert a needle into a vein in the arm to take a blood sample, which may cause people to feel a mild prick or pain

    •remove the needle once they have drawn enough blood

    •send the blood sample to a laboratory for testing

    People may need to fast for several hours if they are having a combination of liver enzyme tests.

    If people are only having an AST blood test, they may not need to fast or prepare in any way.

    People will need to let their doctor know if they are taking any medications or supplements, as some may interfere with liver enzyme levels.

    As a healthcare professional will be taking blood from the arm, it may be helpful to wear short sleeves during the test.

    As with any blood test, an AST blood test has very few risks. It is rare to experience any severe side effects, but people may have some mild bruising or discomfort in the area at the site of the blood draw.

    A healthcare professional will place a Band-Aid or bandage on the arm to stop any bleeding.

    A doctor may order tests along with an AST blood test or follow-up tests. This is to help ensure proper diagnosis and determine the best course of treatment. These tests may include:

    •ALT test: A doctor may order an ALT test alongside an AST test.

    •Platelet count: Low platelet levels may indicate HELLP syndrome during pregnancy.

    •Coagulation panel: This measures the functioning of clotting-related proteins that the liver produces.

    •Complete metabolic panel: This assesses how well the kidneys and liver are working and shows levels of electrolytes.

    •Bilirubin test: A bilirubin test checks levels of a byproduct created when the liver breaks down red blood cells.

    What level of AST and ALT is concerning?

    AST levels above 40 U/L can indicate liver inflammation, or damage to the heart, bones, or muscles. AST levels above 1,000 U/L may indicate liver injury or hepatitis. Doctors may consider ALT results high if they are above 33 U/L in males and above 25 U/L in females.

    How can someone fix high AST levels?

    Doctors may recommend certain lifestyle changes to lower liver enzymes, such as: •limit or avoid alcohol •eat a balanced diet •exercise regularly •quit smoking, if relevant Learn more ways to lower liver enzymes.

    An AST blood test, or SGOT test, checks how much AST, a liver enzyme, is present in the blood. High levels of AST in the bloodstream could be a sign of liver damage, or cell damage in another organ such as the heart or kidneys.

    Doctors may also take additional tests to check other liver enzymes, such as ALT, to get more information on the health of the liver.

  3. Mar 24, 2018 · Liver function tests (LFTs) are among the most commonly ordered blood tests and include: Alanine transaminase (ALT) Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) Bilirubin; Albumin; This guide gives an overview of LFTs and a structured approach to their interpretation.

  4. Nov 24, 2021 · Aspartate transferase (AST) is an enzyme that’s found in your liver, heart, pancreas, muscles and other tissues in your body. An AST blood test is often included in a liver panel and comprehensive metabolic panel, and healthcare providers most often use it to help assess your liver health. Contents Overview Test Details Results and Follow-Up.

  5. What Is It? AST and ALT. Symptoms. Causes. Diagnosis. High Liver Blood Test. Results. Guide. What Are Liver Blood Tests Used For? Liver blood tests are used to find liver abnormalities, such as inflammation, liver damage, or liver disease. Photo by iStock.

  6. What is being tested? AST is an found mostly in the heart and liver and to a lesser extent in skeletal muscle. When heart, liver or muscle cells are injured, they release AST into the bloodstream. Common Questions. How is it used? When is it requested? What does the test result mean? Is there anything else I should know?

  7. Dec 14, 2021 · The AST test measures the amount of AST in your blood that has been released from injured tissue. An older name for the test is serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) test. What is...

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