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  1. The Czech Hunter sets his sights on a fresh-faced 21-year-old. After prodding him for information about his sexual history and his current relationship with an 18-year-old girlfriend, the Hunter gives his new conquest a cash offer for a different sort of prodding.

  2. The Czech Hunter interviews Petr, a student visiting Prague from Opava, on the street.

  3. Guys in multiple episodes. Does anyone have a list of episodes where the same guy is doing more than one episode? Not a complete list, I'm sure, as the site is a bit of a jumble sometimes.

  4. Czech Hunter Tomas is hunting at the train station on a cold day and meets Tomas and Honza, two young men who have just missed their train home to Ostrava. They are broke after a weekend of partying in Prague and Tomas offers to help them out.

  5. Czech Hunter 529 Special July 3, 2020 Czech Hunter 530

  6. El Cazador is a suspenseful coming-of-age story searching for romance amidst a dark world full of deception and seduction. The male voyeurism is smartly explored in this film, creating curiosity, mystery and attractions.

  7. I could fill out a list of the best Czech movies with nothing but Lipský titles – and some of my favorites, like Long Live Ghosts! ( Ať žijí duchové! , 1977) and The Mysterious Castle in the Carpathians ( Tajemství hradu v Karpatech , 1983), didn’t even make the cut here.