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  1. SARAH AVELLAR AND PAMELA J. SMOCK* University of Michigan Has the Price of Motherhood Declined Over Time? A Cross-Cohort Comparison of the Motherhood Wage Penalty Several recent studies have shown a negative as-sociation between motherhood and wages. How-ever, an analysis of change over time in the moth-erhood penalty has not been conducted ...

  2. Aug 1, 2003 · Sarah A. Avellar, P. Smock. Published 1 August 2003. Economics, Sociology. Journal of Marriage and Family. Several recent studies have shown a negative association between motherhood and wages. However, an analysis of change over time in the motherhood penalty has not been conducted.

  3. Feb 13, 2004 · Several recent studies have shown a negative association between motherhood and wages. However, an analysis of change over time in the motherhood penalty has not been conducted.

    • Sarah Avellar, Pamela J. Smock
    • 2003
  4. Aug 1, 2003 · Based on the LR model, mother's wages are expected to decrease by 2.8 percent per additional child on average, a finding in line with Avellar and Smock (2003) and England et al. (2016) but...

    • Introduction
    • Financial Implications of The Dissolution of Unions
    • Data
    • Short-Term Economic Consequences of Union Dissolution
    • Medium-Term Economic Consequences and Re-Partnering
    • Long-Term Economic Consequences of Dissolution of Unions
    • Summary and Conclusion

    Divorce coincides with dramatic negative short-term economic consequences (Fritzell, 1990; Burkhauser et al., 1991; Smock, 1993, 1994; Jarvis and Jenkins, 1999; Poortman, 2000, 2002; Andreß, 2004; Bouman, 2004a,b). The evidence for this is fairly consistent and shows that in many countries women are nearly always economically worse off, whereas men...

    Short-Term Consequences

    Divorce has severe gender-specific financial implications for at least a short period following the divorce. This finding is fairly consistent across several countries: women experience a sharp fall in economic well-being shortly after divorce, whereas men tend to be a little better off in Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and the Netherlands (Duncan and Hoffman, 1985; Fritzell, 1990; Burkhauser et al., 1991; Finnie, 1993; Smock, 1993, 1994; Jarvis and Jenkins, 1...

    Long-Term Consequences

    A few studies have shed light on the long-term economic consequences of divorce. Duncan and Hoffman (1985) showed that over the years divorced men recover from the moderately negative financial consequences shortly after divorce. Remarriage is an important way to improve a couple’s economic situation, this study showed that 5 years after divorce, men who remained single were worse off financially than those who remarried. The study also showed that women’s dramatic financial deterioration end...

    The questions addressed in this study required longitudinal analyses based on a longitudinal data set. In this paper, we show descriptive results only.

    Shortly after divorce, women experience a much greater fall in income than men. Table 2 summarizes the yearly disposable household income adjusted for family type and size by using the official equivalence scale of Statistics Netherlands and the change in income (We refer to this as ‘purchasing power’). As stated above, short-term effects refer to ...

    Let us now examine the medium-term effects: do the tendencies noted above decline over time? Over the years, other events may also affect the economic situation such as re-partnering, finding a job, or children leaving the parental home and supporting themselves. Because dissolving a relationship has enormous (negative) economic implications for th...

    We were able to follow the subjects of our investigation for a maximum of 10 years. On the basis of cross-sectional figures, Poortman and Fokkema (2001) have shown that there are indeed indications of long-term economic consequences. Longitudinal analyses for several countries reveal that in the long run, the economic cost of the dissolution of uni...

    This paper described new empirical findings about the economic situation of men and women after dissolution of a marital or non-marital union in the short, medium, and long terms. Our research concentrated on the economic effects of Dutch unions that were dissolved in the 1990s. Because the lack of studies on the economic consequences of dissolutio...

  5. Avellar, Sarah; Smock, Pamela J . (2003). "Has the Price of Motherhood Declined Over Time? A Cross-Cohort Comparison of the Motherhood Wage Penalty." Journal of Marriage and Family 65(3): 597-607. <>

  6. Sep 25, 2018 · Avellar and Smocks study showed little change in the motherhood wage penalty prior to the 1980s. Given these results and a need to simplify the current presentation, I show results beginning with the 1980s.

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