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  1. Florian Deyle is the CEO and co-founder of DRIFE Film Production, as well as partner of tnf Telenormfilm. He studied Political Science and Publishing before completing his studies at the University of Television and Film Munich.

  2. View Florian Deyles profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Experience: Unified Filmmakers · Education: Ludwig Maximilians Universität München · Location: Greater...

    • Unified Filmmakers
  3. Deyle studierte Politikwissenschaften und absolvierte eine Kaufmannslehre, bevor er an der Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München (HFF) den Studiengang Produktion und Medienwissenschaften abschloss. Unterdessen war er bei diversen Filmproduktionen als Aufnahmeleiter, Produktionsleiter und Herstellungsleiter beschäftigt.

  4. Florian ist geschäftsführender Gesellschafter und Mitbegründer der DRIFE Filmproduktion, sowie Teilhaber der tnf telenormfilm. Er studierte Politikwissenschaften und machte eine Kaufmannslehre bevor er an der HFF München das Studium „Produktion und Medienwissenschaften“ abschloss.

  5. Florian is the CEO and Co-founder of DRIFE Filmproduction, as well as partner of tnf telenormfilm. He studied political science and publishing, before finishing his studies in “production and media studies“ at the filmschool HFF in Munich.

  6. Florian Deyle and Andrey Konchalovskiy Feature film about three people whose paths cross during a terrible time of war: Olga, a Russian aristocratic emigrant and member of the French Resistance; Jules, a French collaborator; and Helmut, a high-ranking German SS officer...

  7. The family business telenormfilm was founded in 1971 by Matthias Deyle. Since then telenormfilm produced successful more than hundreds of hours entertainment. Since 2009 the company is led in the second generation by the brothers Florian Deyle and Philip Schulz-Deyle.

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