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  1. TED-Ed lessons on the subject Philosophy. TED-Ed celebrates the ideas of teachers and students around the world. Discover hundreds of animated lessons, create customized lessons, and share your big ideas.

  2. Jan 4, 2024 · Make learning philosophy fun with these creative exercises, activities, and games for kids all the way up to high school students.

  3. › philosophy-toolkitPhilosophy Toolkit - PLATO

    The Philosophy Toolkit contains over 250 lesson plans to inspire philosophical discussions with students of all ages. Please explore this free searchable resource, starting with our Getting Started pages below. Contact us with any suggestions or reactions.

  4. It means “love of wisdom.” Philosophy is the study of some of the most basic questions about human life. For example, what can people really know about life? Or, are human beings basically good or evil? There are many branches, or areas, of philosophy. Some branches deal with questions about reality and how people understand and experience it.

  5. Phi­los­o­phy is not an idle pur­suit of leisured gen­tle­men and tenured pro­fes­sors, though the life cir­cum­stances of many a philoso­pher might make us think oth­er­wise. The fore­most exam­ple of a priv­i­leged philoso­pher is Mar­cus Aure­lius, famous expos­i­tor of Sto­icism, and also, inci­den­tal­ly, Emper ...

  6. 40 lessons to get children thinking is an excellent resource to pupils, educators, and philosophy enthusiasts across the globe. The lessons are superbly researched, excellently written and extremely interactive - a must for all schools.

  7. We’ve taken a look at five frequently referenced ideas in philosophy, and explained how they relate to you and your everyday life.

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