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  1. › wiki › Eugen_DogaEugen Doga - Wikipedia

    Eugen Doga wrote more than 40 romance songs on poems of Mihai Eminescu and Veronica Micle. Since he got so inspired by the dramatic love story of these two poets, he wrote an opera about it (first aria written for the opera "Do not cry" Nu plînge .

  2. Jan 29, 2017 · Albumul „Marile succese” al compozitorului basarabean Eugen Doga a fost lansat la București, în prezența a numeroase personalități din viața artistică românească, scrie Agerpres. Albumul conține 18 melodii, printre acestea aflându-se „Maria Mirabela”, vals din filmul „Dulcea și tandra mea fiară” / ”My Sweet and Tender ...

  3. › user › DogaEugenEugen Doga - YouTube

    Eugen Doga wrote more than 50 romance songs with the poems of Mihai Eminescu and Veronica Micle, is currently composing an opera titled "The Dialogues of Love".

  4. Jul 21, 2014 · Eugen Doga is a Romanian-Moldavian composer and is considered one of the greatest Romanian composers alive. He has composed music for more than 200 films, theatre shows and ballets.

  5. › en › biographyBiography - Eugen Doga

    Eugen Doga was born on March 1, 1937 at the dawn of the ritual festival of Mărțișor in the village of Mocra, Rîbniţa district, situated on the left bank of the Dniester, in picturesque northeastern Moldova.

  6. Sep 26, 2020 · Eugen Doga a compus coloana sonoră a filmului „Gingaşa şi tandra mea fiară” (26 de milioane de spectatori, film nominalizat la Marele Premiu al Festivalului Internaţional de Film de la Cannes – Palme d'Or -1978).

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  8. National flavor and stereo sound, enchanting transparent melodies and theatrical brightness, intense excitement and deep thoughts, sparkling patterns of Bessarabian dance motifs and furious temper of fiery Latin rhythms, Russian playfulness and oriental zest, Roman passion and languor - all of this is the musical universe of Eugen Doga.

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