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Dive into the research topics where EAISI Health is active. These topic labels come from the works of this organisation's members. Together they form a unique fingerprint.
Achieving impact. The research area Health covers many different areas; from cancer research to regenerative medicine and from biosensors to data science and robotics. New 4TU.Health centre puts medical & health technology on the map.
Do you have a master's degree, and do you aspire to a career in scientific research? Then consider a PhD position at TU/e.
Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is a research university specializing in engineering science & technology.
Health care benefit. Health care benefit is a subsidy provided by the Dutch government towards the costs of your Dutch healthcare insurance. To check if you qualify for this benefit and to apply, you should contact the Belastingdienst (Dutch tax administration).
Information for international students. When you come to study at TU/e, some additional information is applicable for you as an international student. The International Office of Education and Student Affairs (ESA) is here to help you during your time in Eindhoven.
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If you have obtained a Master degree you can decide to do a PhD, which means you choose to get more deeply involved in research and you are at the beginning of a scientific career. The TU/e Graduate School offers you an extensive range of PhD programs across all departments of the university.