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Empowering students through customised academic journeys. The Ecole d'Humanité is unlike any other. Picture students testing aerodynamics on the ski slopes and probing the principles of physics in the Grimsel Dam — that’s just the kind of experiences that define an education here. Although it has been around for over 90 years, this ...
The Ecole d’Humanité is a progressive boarding school with both American and Swiss academic programs. The school’s founders, Paul and Edith Geheeb, were prominent figures in the progressive education movement in the first half of the twentieth century.
The Master’s degree in Humanities from Université PSL offers training in high-level research in the field of the humanities. This degree program – a collaborative effort by the literature and humanities and social science departments and research laboratories at the École Normale Supérieure-PSL (the program’s administrative home*) and ...
The Ecole d’Humanité is one of the most renowned boarding schools in Switzerland, and the only boarding school in Europe offering a truly progressive education in both English and German.
Une école catholique engagée et engageante ! Il est proposé aux élèves d’envisager leurs études et leur formation professionnelle selon la tradition pédagogique de la Compagnie de Jésus, dans le respect et la liberté de conscience de chacun.
La mission de Saint Louis de Gonzague, le collège jésuite de Paris, est d’apporter à des générations d’élèves une formation intellectuelle, humaine et spirituelle dans l’unité de la personne.
La formation s'adresse à des étudiants titulaires d'une licence qui souhaitent développer une double compétence thématique en humanités, dans la discipline de leur choix (histoire, philologie, lettres, sociologie, etc.), et en datascience. Le master est le fruit de la collaboration de l’École nationale des chartes - PSL, de l’École ...