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OpenHistoricalMap is an interactive map of the world throughout history, created by people like you and dedicated to the public domain. OpenHistoricalMap collaboratively stores and displays map data throughout the history of the world.
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OpenHistoricalMap has several resources for learning about...
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OpenHistoricalMap collaboratively stores and displays map...
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GreenInfo Network is a nonprofit social-good mapping and...
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Do you want to leap backward in time and see how the world has changed? Thanks to these historical imagery viewers , we can now take a leap back in time without needing a time machine. The past comes alive through these historical maps to explore vintage imagery for nearly anywhere on Earth.
The only comprehensive listing of early map image sites. The monthly additions are indicated thus, e.g. {March 2002} at the end of the entry. Since the symbols { } are not used elsewhere, you can search on those elements [enter Ctrl+F]; e.g. 2002} will find entries added at any time in that year)
Jul 13, 2020 · The world map was turned with east on top, centered on the ancient city of Balasagun (Kyrgyzstan), showing the Caspian Sea to the north, and Iraq, Armenia, Yemen, and Egypt to the west, China and Japan to the east, Hindustan and Kashmir to the south. Blue lines symbolize rivers, red lines for mountains.
Oct 4, 2012 · Now, you can zoom around this huge, detailed map of the ancient world labeled with cities from all sorts of archaeological records, classical text references and European imagery.
Jun 21, 2022 · A 60 sheet manuscript world map made in 1587 by Urbano Monte has been acquired by the David Rumsey Map Center at Stanford Libraries, which scanned the sheets, then digitally stitched them...
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A very quick survey of world map history, for one thing, with stops at many of the major historical intersections from Greek antiquity to the creation of the Catalan Atlas, an astonishing mapmaking achievement from 1375.