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  1. Nov 22, 2023 · Francisco León de la Barra was one of the darkest men who have ever passed through the history of Mexico. He governed Mexico from May to December 1911 and his only concern was to hinder the revolutionary march.

  2. In the 21 May 1911 Treaty of Ciudad Juárez, León de la Barra was selected to be interim president, until elections could be held in the autumn of 1911. [14] He was not a politician or a member of Díaz's Científicos , but rather a diplomat and lawyer.

  3. The Interim Presidency (25 May 1911 to 6 November 1911) The office which Francisco León de la Barra inherited was overflowing with problems; not only did the interim president have to deal with rebel forces who continued to take towns and states, but he also needed to balance the demands of foreign interests and investment with domestic big ...

  4. Francisco León de la Barra (b. 16 June 1863; d. 22 September 1939), president of Mexico (26 May 1911–6 November 1911). The son of a Chilean immigrant who fought for the Liberals in the War of the Reform, León de la Barra was a native of Querétaro.

  5. From March 25 to May 25, 1911, he held the position of Secretary of Foreign Affairs, for which reason, when Porfirio Díaz resigned from the presidency and Ramón Corral from the vice presidency by virtue of the Treaties of Ciudad Juárez.

  6. La personalidad política de Francisco León de la Barra. LA PERSONALIDAD POL?TICA. DE FRANCISCO LE?N. DE LA BARRA. Santiago Portilla Gil de Partearroyo El Colegio de M?xico 1. Para el 2 de abril de 1911, los hechos de armas de la. revoluci?n convocada por Francisco I. Madero, en octubre del a?o anterior, se hab?an efectuado en varios estados ...

  7. Dec 15, 2022 · Francisco León de la Barra (1863-1939) fue un político y diplomático mexicano que lideró el cargo presidencial luego de la renuncia de Porfirio Díaz, quien gobernó durante 30 años. De acuerdo con los Tratados de Ciudad Juárez, firmados el 21 de mayo de 1911, tanto Porfirio Díaz como su vicepresidente dimitirían de su cargo y Francisco ...

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