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Sep 17, 2024 · In December 1975, The Equal Pay Act (1970) came into force in the UK. Seven years earlier, a determined group of women laid the foundations for this landmark moment. In 1968, at the Ford...
- Nicola Kenny
- What Is Equal Pay?
- Measuring Equal Pay: Thegender Pay Gap
- How Equal Pay Laws Havechanged
- Proposals For Change
Equal pay is often definedas parity in wages between men and women. The International Labour Organisation(ILO) expands on this definition by defining equal pay as the rightto equal remuneration for women and men for work of equal value. In 1951, this right was enshrinedin the ILO’s Equal Remuneration Convention, which wasratified by the UK on 15 Ju...
In the UK, the gender pay gapis one of the primary means of measuring the progress towards pay parity. Thegender pay gap is the percentage difference between averagehourly earnings for men and women. The pay gap between men and women can be attributed to a variety offactors, such as women being more likely towork part-time, or fewer women in manage...
Equalpay Act 1970
In 1968, female machinists working at the Ford factory in Dagenham found that they were being paid 15 percent less than their male colleagues for equivalent work. They went on strike, calling for ‘equal pay for equal work’. The strike paved the way for the Equal Pay Act 1970, which was introduced by Barbara Castle, the then Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity. The Equal Pay Act 1970 was given royal assent on 29 May 1970. It came into force in 1975, giving employers five years t...
NationalMinimum Wage Act 1998
The Labour Government passed the National Minimum Wage Act 1998 afterthe Low Pay Commission recommended the introduction of a national minimum wage (NMW). The introduction of the National Minimum Wage Act had the second largest legislation-driveneffect on the gender pay gap in theUK. Since the introduction of the NMW, the gender pay gap has decreased from 17.4% to 8.9%. Furthermore, the Low Pay Commission found that women gained morethan any other group from theintroduction of the NMW.
Equality Act 2010
The law on equal pay in the UK today is set out in the Equality Act 2010, which gives a right to equal pay between women and men for equal work. According to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), the Act implies a sex equality clause automatically into all contracts of employment, ensuring that a woman’s contractual terms are no less favourable than a man’s. Under schedule 19 of the Equality Act 2010, public bodies have been required to publish their gender pay gap data since the A...
Equalpay audits
The EHRC suggests that companies should carry out equal pay auditsin addition to pay gap reporting. An equal pay audit involves comparing the pay of men and women doingequal work in the organisation in question. In doing so, any differences in paybetween men and women doing equal work can be identified, the causes of anydifferences in pay can be investigated and instances of unequal pay can beeliminated. However, of the 440employers the EHRC surveyed, only four were committed to carrying out...
A ‘rightto know’
Recent research from theFawcett Society revealed that only 36percent of people in the workplace knew that women had the legal right to asktheir male counterpartsabout their salaries if they suspect pay discrimination isoccurring. In addition, only 24 percent of people felt that they could talkabout salaries in the workplace. In response, the Fawcett Society has campaignedfor an equal pay bill. This bill would give women the right to ask theiremployer directly about pay. Working with the Fawce...
Widening the scope of equal pay
Pay disparities in the UKare not limited to disparities in pay between men and women. Recent questionsin both the House of Lords and the House of Commons have centred around the paygaps that exist in the UK because of socialclass orethnicgroup. The latest data on the ethnicity pay gappoints to a complex picture. Some racial groups, such as Chinese ethnic groups, tend to earn more on average than their White British counterparts. However, most employees in the Black African, Caribbean or Black...
Dec 29, 2015 · The sex discrimination and equal pay acts were enforced in the UK on 29 December 1975. By Kayleen Devlin. BBC News. When the equal pay and sex discrimination acts were implemented in the UK, both...
The Equal Pay Act 1970 had made a five year provision for employers to make the necessary changes to implement the requirements of the Act to bring women’s pay into line with men doing ‘like work’. The Act came into force on 29 December 1975, the same day as the Sex Discrimination Act.
Equal pay law is covered by the Equality Act 2010 and the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) Statutory Code of Practice on equal pay. Who has a right to equal pay. Equal pay applies to: employees; workers; apprentices; agency workers; full-time, part-time or temporary contracts; self-employed people who are hired to personally do the work
First one of those annoying lawyerly clarifications, while the Equal Pay Act received Royal Assent in 1970, it did not in fact come into force until December 1975. Equal pay has, therefore, only been provided for under domestic legislation for 45 years, rather than 50.
People also ask
When did the Equal Pay Act 1970 come into force?
When did equal pay and sex discrimination come into force?
What is equal pay law?
When did women get equal pay?
When was the Equal Pay Act repealed?
Do men and women get equal pay?
May 28, 2020 · The Bill received Royal Assent on 29 May becoming the Equal Pay Act 1970 (EqPA). However, the Act did not come into force until 29 December 1975, the same day as the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (SDA). Development of the law. The EqPA provided a contract-based solution to the issue of unequal pay.