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  1. Mar 17, 2022 · Nickelodeon's brand new CG-animated series Big Nate is now available to stream on Paramount+! To celebrate, below is a hand-picked selection of interviews with the cast and crew of Nick's all new show!

  2. Sep 11, 2023 · Discover 10 fascinating facts about Nate Wright, the beloved protagonist of the Big Nate series. Learn more about his misadventures, eccentricities, and memorable moments in this entertaining article.

  3. › wiki › Big_NateBig Nate - Wikipedia

    Big Nate (stylized as big NATE in the comic collections and BiG NATE in the books) is an American comic strip written and illustrated by Lincoln Peirce, syndicated since January 7, 1991. The strip follows sixth-grader Nate Wright, alongside his family, friends, and foes.

    • Overview
    • Biography (Comics)
    • Description
    • Abilities
    • School Grades
    • Likes and Dislikes
    • Trivia

    Nathaniel "Nate" Wright is an 11-year-old male sixth-grade student who attends P.S. 38. He lives with his father, Martin, and older sister, Ellen.

    Nate has a talent for sports, comic trivia, Chess, detecting and deciphering things with his sense of smell. Coming up with nicknames, cartooning, snowball fights, and coming up with hilarious and serious pranks for School Prank Day, like putting a load of fire ants on Mr. Galvin's chair, vandalizing the bathroom with invisible ink, letting a talking parrot in Mrs. Godfrey's room, etc.

    He also has a talent for sensing things with his nose and brain and even reading full sentences with just his nose. Nate insists that he is destined for greatness and that Jenny, a girl in his school who he has a crush on, will fall in love with him one day. However, he eventually gets over his crush on Jenny after breaking up with Trudy.

    Nate is best known for causing mayhem, awkward moments, and getting himself in detention over and over and over again. His locker is extremely messy and is filled with all kinds of junk. Some of his “junk” is surprisingly valuable, such as the Faberge egg that was once found in his locker.

    Pre Story

    Nate's father decided to save up money to afford college for Nate, so he started a college fund for Nate. When he was a toddler, he liked to wear Ellen's dresses and pretended to be a ballerina. Nate soon started attending the Honey Hive, a preschool. This is where he met Jenny Jenkins, his crush, though Nate wasn't in love at that point. Jenny used to chase boys at recess, and once she caught them, she kissed them. Nate was once kissed by her. When Nate was three years old, he asked Santa for a pink tricycle for Christmas, which Nate's dad constantly reminds him about. When he turned four years old, he visited a pet shop. However, he was attacked by a four-month-old kitten named Cinnamon. This gave him his current phobia of cats. When Nate turned five years old, he attended kindergarten at P.S. 38. He sat next to Jenny, but, after reading her name tag, mispronounced her name as "Jonny", as his reading was not very good. He then falls in love with her. He also played in Little Kickers, which is soccer for youth. He is known for being the only player of that age to get a red card. Nate also meets a friend called Lila in pre-k. When Jenny left to Seattle, She was a pitcher in his little league game and Nate had a short crush on her until Jenny came back. When Nate started first grade, his teacher was Mrs. Bigbee, who still isn't very fond of Nate. He nicknamed her "Mrs. Big Butt" for her weight, which was probably the start of his nicknaming career. He also somehow managed to make a dent in one of the desks with his head. In the third grade, Nate had to get his appendix removed, and Francis brought him a "Tickle me Elmo" toy in the hospital.

    The Early 90s

    On January 7th, 1991, Nate appears in the comics for the first time. He is seen doing an assignment for school. He has to write a hundred words in his journal. However he decides to draw a picture of himself and says that "one picture is worth a thousand of those suckers", a reference to the saying "A picture is worth a thousand words". In his very first appearance the reader understands that Nate dislikes school and homework. The next few comics consist of Nate and his family life, with a lot of gags consisting of his contempt for his sister, his father's bad qualities, and his relationship with his best friend, Francis. January 22, 1991 was a prominent day in Big Nate history, as though before school had been mentioned, this comic was the first comic in which Nate was actually at school. On February 7, 1991, Nate created Doctor Cesspool, his first known fictional comic character, and showed him to his dad. In this comic, Nate also mentioned that he wanted to be a cartoonist, marking the first time Nate had ever shown any interest whatsoever in cartooning. On February 18, 1991, Nate got put in detention for the first time after he threw a paper airplane during Social Studies class and the paper airplane crashed into Mrs. Godfrey's forehead. From February 25 to March 2, 1991, the first ever one-week story arc was released. Ellen was going to babysit the baby of one of the Wrights' neighbors, the McCarthys, when Marty had to attend a PTA meeting and had her take Nate with her. The arc was basically Ellen and Nate babysitting the McCarthy Baby, with Ellen trying her best to keep things under control while Nate managed to not screw things up, although just barely, On March 19, 1991, Nate's locker made its first appearance, and was a complete mess, showing that his locker never changes throughout the entirety of the comic strip. From 1991 to 1993, Nate is seen annoying his friends, his teachers and his family. He also writes many comics throughout this period such as Action Cat, Dan Cupid and Doctor Cesspool. Nate also starts developing more feelings for Jenny Jenkins. He continues to pester her about going out in next years to come.

    Shorter Legs and New Friends

    Near the end of 1993, it can be seen that Nate's legs have gotten a lot shorter than they were before. This is most likely due to Lincoln Peirce's art style becoming better and more consistent. In January 5, 1994, Nate kissed Jenny during a game of Spin the Bottle. (even though the game is marketed for 18 or older) In January 27, 1994, he befriended Teddy Ortiz. Later that year in April, during the School's Charlie Brown play, Nate asked Ms. Clarke if Charlie Brown and Lucy had any make out scenes. Jenny was playing Lucy. In December of that year, Nate tried to get Jenny to go out with him by trying to do a heroic act. He thought of trying to do the Heimlich maneuver on Francis. In April 17 through April 29 of 1995, Nate and his school went to Washington D.C for a school trip. In May 15, 1995, Nate found out his team was called Joe's Falafel. This would lead to many more embarrassing team names for his baseball team. A year later, in May 6 of 1996 through May 18, Nate's chess team got to travel to New York since they qualified for a tournament. During the tournament, all of Nate's teammates lost their matches. It is unclear if Nate won his match however.

    Physical description

    Nate Wright, with a BMI of 21.0, is slightly overweight, although he is short and slightly overweight for his age with a height of 4.5 feet(an 11-year-old is supposed to be 4"8-4"10) (1.37 meters) and 87 pounds (an 11-year-old should be 78 pounds)(39.5 kilograms). Nate's most notable trait is his jet-black hair, which has seven smooth spikes, which always (sproing!) springs back up when he tries to make it flat (when it’s flat it makes him look like a young Adolph Hitler according to Dee Dee. Nate wears a short-sleeved T-shirt). The top is blue and takes up only a quarter of the shirt. The other three quarters below it are colored yellow. He also wears blue jeans and white shoes.

    Personality and Traits

    Nate Wright is very rebellious, vain, conceited, and arrogant. He also has greedy and angry tendencies that are usually a disadvantage, and he is very self absorbent. He has even compared himself to other immortal individuals. However, he is also funny (though many characters would say otherwise), noble, hardworking (depending on what he is doing) and he always sticks up for himself and his friends when they are being bullied. Although his grade point average is very low, he is shown to be quite smart at various times, and is certified "street-smart". He is pretty stupid at other stuff though. He also has an incredible imagination, as he has created many creative comic books (such as "Doctor Cesspool" or "Moe Mentum") and has helped his friends out of several situations, including when he helped them discover the weakness of Jefferson Middle School and helped Chad hook up with Maya. His sarcastic/dramatic nature also tends to land him in the principal's office. He has been given detention hundreds of times and he is unofficially the detention "tour guide", although he wears the title with pride. Nate is highly sarcastic, which is only built up when he is under pressure. However, he is able to keep most of these thoughts to himself or write them down. He has ailurophobia, also known as elurophobia, meaning he is afraid of cats. However, this is not always consistent (for instance, he was willing to get Spitsy away from a feline called Pickles). Nate has confessed his love for fellow student Jenny Jenkins, much to her chagrin, and he makes any attempt to flirt/talk with her, despite Jenny already having a boyfriend (Artur Pashkov) and the fact that Jenny hates Nate. However, he seems to have grown out of this, to Jenny's slight disappointment. Nate can be seen mooching food on January 8, 2019 and January 9, 2019.

    Nate Wright is a comic genius and has created many comics of his own. He is also an amazing sportsman. His musical talent was enough that he created a band called "Enslave the Mollusk." While Nate is a great drummer, he is a terrible trombone player.

    There are other things he excels at as well. Nate insists that he is destined for greatness. Every prank day at his school, he pulls off the most insane and sophisticated pranks of all. He is a very good treasure collector - his locker is a dump, but other kids mistake valuable items inside for junk. He has also seemed to have organized his locker, despite the apparent mess.

    It is implied that he has some degree of combat skills and physical strength. For example, he has been shown to hold his own in a fight against the likes of Randy Betancourt and Ellen, both of whom have a size advantage over him. When he broke his wrist playing football, he was able to swing his cast against a bully with enough force to stun him. This is further shown by the number of times Nate swings objects at his friends with enough force to stun them.

    While having a low GPA, he is a capable strategist, being able to outwit his opponents in chess with little to no effort. He has also outwitted bullies, typically by crushing them with the contents of his locker. This has been used to get him and his friends out of sticky situations, but sometimes even more than that. He is also able to stuff eight fig newtons in his mouth at once.

    He also has two strange abilities, both of which he acquired through unknown means:

    •Sense of Smell: Perhaps his most bizarre ability, Nate has an extremely acute sense of smell, possibly surpassing the level of an average dog. He has been able to detect minimal things through aroma alone on numerous occasions. For example, during a bet with Mr. Galvin, not only was he able to identify the object, which was a binder clip, he was able to smell what he had for lunch and that the clip was used to hold a lunch bag in place. He was also able to not only identify what was in Randy's lunch bag, but he was also able to read a note that his mother left him. His sense of smell is so acute that even Mr. Galvin implied that it was an affront to science.

    Social Studies

    Nate’s Social Studies grade has been mentioned to be a D or F, and is likely true, as it’s his class with Mrs. Godfrey and she has given more detentions than all of the other teachers combined. But very rarely he gets an A+. He got one in Big Nate: Strikes Again on the Benjamin Franklin project and in Big Nate:Flips Out he gets a double A+ because of writing his notes neatly for the first time ever.


    While Nate doesn’t like math, it has been said that he is good at it. A passing grade would be an A+ to a C+, so his grade is likely around this range.


    His grades are mostly C's C- C+ or rarely a B. He writes haikus and poems about Cheez Doodles.


    Red: Nate's favorite color. Cheez Doodles: Nate's favorite snack. Yellow: Nate's secondary favorite color Jenny: She was Nate's love interest. However, Nate gave up on her. He is now dating Ruby Dinsmore. Sports: Nate enjoys playing sports at school. He plays soccer, hockey, dodgeball, beach volleyball, baseball, basketball and fleeceball (a baseball parody). Summer Vacation: For obvious reasons, Nate enjoys being out of school. Femme Fatality: He enjoys reading the book because he enjoys the plot and characters, but mostly because he finds Femme to be attractive. Comics: Nate loves to draw comics, and has made up several characters of his design, such as Doctor Cesspool and Moe Mentum: Hollywood Stuntman. Art: Art is Nate's favorite school subject for obvious reasons. Ken Rosa teaches the class and Nate has gradually warmed up to him as well. Geometry: It is Nate's second favorite subject, although he never had done it before. Francis Pope and Teddy Ortiz: Francis Pope and Teddy Ortiz are Nate's two best friends. The three of them do almost everything together, where Nate's girlfriends are not concerned.


    Cats:Nate hates cats and thinks dogs are superior to the felines. He has also been known to be afraid of cats on some occasions, as he suffers from ailurophobia. Egg Salad: Egg salad is self-explanatory for Nate; it is his least favorite food of all time. In one case, he even tries to use egg salad as a means to avenge Gina, though he probably remains unaware if Gina hates egg salad as much as he does. Figure skating: Nate thinks figure skating is boring and cheesy. Besides, he is very annoyed with Ellen watching it on the television. School Picture Day: When it is School Picture Day, he usually screws his picture by making a weird face at the wrong time. Gina: Nate is annoyed with Gina bragging about her perfect grades and her spotless academic record, amid other things. The two of them are worst enemies. Social Studies: Not only does his one-sided nemesis, Mrs. Godfrey, teach the class, but Nate believes that he is just memorizing useless facts that will never benefit him. Math: Nate thinks math is boring, though he is not terrible at the subject. Ellen Wright: Nate thinks his older sister, Ellen, is obnoxious. He also thinks it is annoying when his teachers compare him to Ellen. Mrs. Godfrey: Mrs. Godfrey is Nate's least favorite teacher. Nolan: Nate hates him for bragging how he and other Jefferson students beat him at almost everything. This enmity increases after the P.S. 38 students transfer to Jefferson and he gets to know them better. Artur: Although he does not hate Artur outright, Nate seems to be annoyed by him being "perfect at everything". He is even more annoyed that Jenny, whom Nate has an unhealthy crush on, is in love with Artur. Bethany: Nate likes all comic strips but he hates Bethany and says it's horrible. Turkey: In Big Nate From The Top, he reveals he hates turkey, due to having it for lunch every day since Thanksgiving. Randy Betancourt: He is the school bully and has bullied Nate for years. However, they stop hating each other in Big Nate Blasts Off, but their mutual hate lives on in the comics.

    Vital status, health and fears

    •Nate is 4' 6" and weights 87 pounds. •Once, one of the comics revealed Nate's weight to be 86 pounds. However, more comics supported Nate being 87. •He also gained 5 pounds by eating too much fried dough. So at that point he was 92 pounds. •He broke his right wrist twice, once while playing football in 1992, and another time when he dived off of a table at Jefferson. •He has Ailurophobia, which means he is afraid of cats. •In the novels, he is either 11 or 12. •According to Nate, if he hadn't been named Nate his name would've been Ethan. •His ears turn red when he gets mad.


    •Nate is the goalkeeper for the P.S 38 Bobcats soccer team, as well as one of the point guards for the basketball team. •Nate and Francis' Locker is number 217. •His locker is full of random, valuable things. •He once got 7 detentions at once in the novels, and 10 in the comics. •Nate is a reporter for the school newspaper, and was formerly the food critic, movie critic, advice column writer, and many other jobs. •In 2009, Nate was elected as class president. His presidency was very successful, as he started a bake sale to raise money for a soup kitchen. •Academically, Nate is a horrible student. The only subject he is good at is art, although it has been mentioned that he isn't exactly bad at other subjects. •His SPOFFs fleeceball team won the finals.


    •Nate plays right field (formerly left field) for baseball. •His baseball team used to change sponsors and names every few seasons. Nate is usually the most annoyed kid in the team whenever they get a new sponsor. •His hand once swelled up so much Coach Calhoun thought he was wearing his glove when he wasn't. •Nate went to soccer camp in Summer 2001. (From July 4, 2001 to August 31, 2001.) It is where he met Kelly and Coach John. •Nate supports Boston sports teams like the Patriots, the Bruins and the Red Sox. •He spent 3 days in Debate Club.

  4. Aug 1, 2014 · A lot of kids have discovered Big Nate in recent years through those novels, and they learn only later that Big Nate has been a comic strip character for 23 years. With Nates comic strip roots, it seemed that trying to break the world record for the Longest Comic Strip by a Team was a great fit.

    • Tiziano Thomas Dossena
  5. Feb 8, 2022 · Comics fans have seen Lincoln Peirce’s Big Nate in newspapers since 1991 and in an expanding line of books in the years since then. But this month, Nate Wright and company are making the leap to television animation with a streaming series on Paramount+ premiering on February 17.

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  7. Big Nate is an American computer-animated web-television series and the fifty-second major Nicktoon. The series first premiered digitally on Paramount+ on February 17, 2022[1] and began airing on Nickelodeon on September 5, 2022.[2] It follows the adventures of a boy and his friends in sixth...