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  1. Viscid explaination from Webster's Dictionary. (a.) Sticking or adhering, and having a ropy or glutinous consistency;.....

  2. Waxeth, King James Bible Dictionary. WAX, noun [G., Latin ]. 1. A thick, viscid, tenacious substance, collected by bees, or excreted from their bodies, and employed in the construction of their cells; usually called bees wax Its native color is yellow, but it is bleached for candles, etc.

  3. Jul 11, 2023 · 4. Actively seek the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter sent to indwell - and abide - within each believer. Upon accepting salvation, the Spirit begins to transform the individual. The Holy Spirit cultivates the good fruits and character traits, convicts the individual of sin, and produces transformation.

  4. Websters Dictionary 1828 – Online Edition is an excellent reference for classical literature and Bible studies. ... Viscid. VIS'CID, adjective ...

  5. › lexiconNETBible: Viscid

    Viscid, a. [L. viscidus, fr. viscum the mistletoe, birdlime made from the berries of the mistletoe; akin to Gr. : cf. F. viscide.].

  6. Where does the adjective viscid come from? Earliest known use. mid 1600s. The earliest known use of the adjective viscid is in the mid 1600s. OED's earliest evidence for viscid is from 1635, in a translation by Richard Brathwait, poet and writer. viscid is a borrowing from Latin. Etymons: Latin viscidus. See etymology.

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  8. viscid. vis·cid / ˈvisid / • adj. glutinous; sticky: the viscid mucus lining of the intestine. DERIVATIVES: vis·cid·i·ty / vəˈsidətē / n. vis·cid / ˈvisid/ • adj. Source for information on viscid: The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English dictionary.

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