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    • Genesis — God creates the universe and fashions humans in His own image and places them in a perfect environment. The humans rebel against God and lose their paradise.
    • Exodus — The children of Israel, now living in Egypt, are forced into slavery. God prepares an Israelite named Moses to lead the people to freedom. The king is loath to let the slaves go, so God sends a series of plagues upon the Egyptians.
    • Leviticus — In the Law, God establishes a sacrificial system to atone for sins and a series of festivals for Israel to observe as days of worship. God gives Moses plans for a tabernacle, a tent where the sacrifices can be offered and God will meet with His people.
    • Numbers — The Israelites arrive at the border of Canaan, the land God had earlier promised to Abraham. But the people following Moses refuse to enter the land, due to their lack of faith and their fear of Canaan’s inhabitants.
  1. Nov 13, 2019 · This extensive collection of Bible story summaries highlights the simple yet profound truths found in the ancient and enduring stories of the Bible.

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    • Table of Contents
    • The Old Testament Is About God’s Relationship with The People of Israel
    • The New Testament Is About Jesus and The Church He Established
    • The Books of The Bible Are Not Arranged Chronologically
    • What Is A Testament in The Bible?

    The Old Testament can be organized into 4 different types or genres: Books of the Law, History, Poetry, and Prophets. The first 5 books of the Old Testament (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) are called the books of the Law because they describe God’s design for how the people of Israel are to live differently than the people ar...

    The New Testament is arranged into 4 sections as well: The Gospels, History, Letters, and Prophecy. There are four accounts of the life of Jesus: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Each author gives a different emphasis and shares different aspects of the life of Jesus. The Gospels, or telling of the Good News, explain why Jesus came, what His message ...

    Although the books of the Bible are not in strict chronological order, they follow a general timeline. All the books of the Old Testament were written before the New Testament. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew with a handful of chapters and verses in the Aramaic. The New Testament was written almost completely in Greek. The English word “Bib...

    A similar idea today might be a “contract.” Calling the sections of the Bible the Old and New Testaments is calling attention to the different ways God shows His commitment to people. The Old Testament is how God relates to the people of Israel through the Law of Moses. The New Testament is how God relates to mankind in light of what Jesus has done...

    • The Gospel of Matthew. Traditionally penned by the apostle of the same name, Matthew is the first gospel of the four. This gospel was written for people familiar with the Old Testament, both the Law of Moses and the prophets.
    • The Gospel of Mark. This is the shortest gospel. In fact, it’s possible that this gospel was written so that it could be easily memorized and told aloud—written to “go viral,” if you will.
    • The Gospel of Luke. This is the longest of the four gospels—in fact, it’s the longest book of the New Testament for that matter. Luke is the historical, journalistic Gospel: a thorough account of the episodes in Jesus’ life arranged in chronological order.
    • The Gospel of John. John is the persuasive Gospel. It’s written to show the miracles of Jesus, so that those who read his story will believe in him and have everlasting life (Jn 20:30–31).
  2. Book of Ruth: summary. A man named Elimelech, from Bethlehem-Judah, left his hometown when a famine struck. He and his wife Naomi, along with their two sons Mahlon and Chilion, left for Moab. Elimelech died, leaving Naomi with her two sons.

  3. A Bible overview can help us connect the Bible as God's one complete story. Here are simple Bible charts, timelines, a one page Bible summary, and more to help us study the Bible and understand God's gift of His Word that reveals His love and promise of hope.

  4. Oct 14, 2017 · The author of each book (where known) is included along with a brief summary of the biblical book's intent, content, and key characters. A link to detailed outlines of each bible book is included.

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