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    • Moses – Teaching the Law. Moses stands out as a powerful example of education in the Bible, particularly in his role as a teacher of the Law. Through his leadership, dedication, and divine guidance, Moses effectively communicated God’s commandments to the Israelites, guiding them towards obedience and righteousness.
    • Solomon – Wisdom and Proverbs. Solomon, known for his unparalleled wisdom gifted by God, serves as a prominent figure in the Bible when discussing education.
    • Jesus – Teaching through Parables. In the Bible, Jesus frequently taught using parables to convey deeper spiritual truths in a relatable way. One well-known example is the Parable of the Prodigal Son, where Jesus uses a story of a wayward son returning home to illustrate God’s unconditional love and forgiveness.
    • Paul – Instruction in Letters. Paul, known for his significant contributions to the early Christian church, also provided a valuable example of education in the Bible through his instruction in letters.
  1. Jan 4, 2022 · Education begins with the reality of Gods existence and the fact that He has communicated to us through creation, His Word, and His Son. As we learn more of God’s creation, our understanding of God’s wisdom and power deepens.

    • Introduction
    • The Bible as Educational Content
    • ‘Incarnational’ Emphases
    • What The Bible Teaches About The World
    • Scripture and Education as Narratives
    • Metaphor in Scripture and Education
    • The Role of The Canon
    • General Questions

    It is a basic assumption of most Christian educational discussion that it is possible to relate the Bible fruitfully to education. Indeed, in the world of Christian schooling this assumption is presented frequently as a badge of honour, with phrases such as ‘biblical Christian education’ used to indicate the superior scriptural faithfulness of some...

    I will begin with two ways of understanding the relationship which are quite familiar, though not for that reason without their complexities. First, an obvious way in which the Bible comes into relationship with education is when it becomes an object of study. In ways ranging from programmes of theological education through Bible classes to study o...

    A second approach focuses on the life and character of the educator or the educating community as mediating between the Bible and the educational context. The focus here is not so much on a distinctive process of applying the Bible as on a particular idea of the scope of such applications, one which focuses on personal transformation. Put simply, p...

    A third approach looks for relationships between what the Bible teaches about the world and educational ideas and theories. I am including under this heading any approach which attempts to argue along the lines of ‘the Bible says or teaches X and as a consequence we should think or do Yin the area of education’, where ‘as a consequence’ can be cons...

    One particular form of patterning to which education is subject is narrative. The widespread resurgence of narrative as a topic of discussion in a variety of fields has impacted both general educational discussion and discussions of Christian education in particular. Understanding education as the enactment and provision of a particular narrative a...

    Fifthly, teaching as storytelling is, of course, a metaphor. The role of metaphor in our theorising and acting in general, and in education in particular has been widely discussed in recent years.27Here I will restrict myself to three brief observations concerning the importance of this for the present topic. First, in recent accounts metaphor has ...

    Sixthly, another approach to relating the Bible to education draws upon the results of canonical criticism as developed by biblical scholars such as James Sanders and Brevard Childs. This not entirely uniform movement sought to redress the imbalances of historical criticism by refocusing on the canonical text in its final form or on the process by ...

    So far I have sketched all too briefly six emphases which each offer particular ways of exploring the relationship of the Bible to education. These concerned themselves with the Bible as a part of the content of education, with the character of the teacher as mediating between the Bible and education, with exploration of the implications of biblica...

  2. Jan 4, 2022 · Individually, one can edify oneself by participating in the various spiritual disciplines (Bible intake, private prayer, private worship, etc). Generally, however, the concept of edification in the New Testament is applied to the corporate body (mutual edification).

  3. From above, the rain comes down to beat on the roof, the wind rages round the walls, the flood comes swirling round the eaves from beneath, and if the house ... /.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture a/the two houses.htm. The Life of S. Hilarion.

  4. The word teaching has a number of meanings: “to guide study,” “to cause to gain knowledge or skills,” “to cause to learn,” and “to cause to change.” Notice that teaching causes things. It is a dynamic activity that produces results. It is the power of the Holy Spirit through the accurate and practical teaching that changes the lives of people.

  5. The major thesis of the book is that valid hermeneutics involves a spiral from text to context, from meaning to significance. One repeatedly tests one’s pre-understandings by detailed interaction with the text, which then modifies one’s interpretation, which then is again submitted to the text (and to the bar of other opinions within. the ...

  1. Non-religious explanations and history. Stories. Dimension of Life explained. Good read. An explanation of what it was about, how it came together, what ancient mystery is about.

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