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  1. A comma splice occurs when two independent clauses are joined by a comma without a coordinating conjunction. To identify it, look for sentences where two complete thoughts are linked by just a comma. If removing the comma results in two standalone sentences, a comma splice is present.

  2. Avoiding fragments, fused sentences and comma splices. Using capital letters and writing in the past tense. Using multiple subordinate clauses, punctuating lists correctly when in a complex sentence.

  3. Jul 25, 2024 · Knowing what comma splices are and how to fix them is crucial for producing polished, professional writing. This guide will delve into the definition of comma splices, how to identify them, provide examples, and offer tips on how to fix comma splices.

    • What Is A Comma Splice?
    • Using A Semicolon to Fix A Comma Splice
    • Using A Period to Fix A Comma Splice
    • Adding A Conjunction to Fix A Comma Splice
    • Is A Comma Splice Ever Ok?
    • Worksheet: Comma Splice Examples

    A comma splice occurs when a comma is incorrectly used to join two independent clauses. This is considered a grammatical error because it can affect the clarity and flow of a sentence. To fix a comma splice, you can use a semicolon, use a period, or add a conjunction.

    You can replace the comma with a semicolonwhen a logical or sequential connection between the two parts of the sentence is clear. A semicolon is similar to a period, but it suggests a closer link between the two clauses. The word appearing immediately after a semicolon should begin with a lowercase letter.

    You can replace the comma with a period so that each of the independent clauses is a separate sentence. This is particularly effective when the ideas of the two clauses are distinct and the relationship between them does not need to be emphasized.

    You can also fix a comma splice by retaining the comma and adding a coordinating or subordinating conjunction to one of the clauses.

    While comma splices are not acceptable in formal or academic writing, they are very common in conversational contexts like text messaging, social media, and email, and nobody is likely to object to them there. They can also be used in creative writing. For example, comma splices are commonly used in fiction to emphasize the speed of a character’s s...

    Test your knowledge of comma splices by using our practice worksheet below. Determine which sentences contain a comma splice.

  4. Comma splices are a subspecies of run-on sentence; a run-on sentence is when two independent clauses are joined without the correct conjunction or punctuation. To avoid a comma splice you can do one of several things.

  5. Apr 11, 2023 · Simply put, a comma splice is when you have a comma combining independent clauses, where you would otherwise expect to see a conjunction or conjunctive punctuation (for example a semi-colon, colon or dash), or two separate sentences. For example: She went into the basement. The lights weren’t working. = separate sentences.

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  7. Dec 30, 2023 · A comma splice occurs when a writer connects two independent clauses with a comma alone. An independent clause contains a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought, capable of standing alone as a sentence. Recognizing a Comma Splice. Independent clause 1, comma Independent clause 2; Example: It is raining, we should stay indoors.

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