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  1. Employee participation largely refers to the strategies that involve employees in decision-making processes (Busck et al., 2010; Wilkinson & Dundon, 2010). Regardless, employee participation holds various meaning depending on organizational, cultural, and political contexts.

  2. A generic definition of participation is ‘a process which allows employees to exert some influence over their work and the conditions under which they work’ (Heller et al., 2004: 15).

  3. Encourage worker participation: Provide workers the necessary time and resources to participate.

    • Contents
    • Christa Sedlatschek,
    • The main reasons why workers should actively influence management decisions:
    • Framework for worker participation
    • The role of employers
    • The role of workers
    • The role of worker representatives
    • managerial decision-making.”
    • Efective worker participation checklists
    • European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)
    • This web section is available in 24 languages and can be found at:
    • European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
    • European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) working conditions, health and safety department

    “Workers and managers must work together closely to find joint solutions to common problems.”

    Director European Agency for Safety and Health at Work European workers have enjoyed improvements in safety and health over recent decades. However, workplace accidents, sickness and death continue to exact an unacceptable toll on Europe’s workers. If we are to improve workplace safety and health, workers and managers must work together closely to...

    Worker participation helps in developing effective ways of protecting workers. By getting involved in an issue at the planning stage, workers are more likely to identify the reasons for taking a particular action, help find practical solutions, and comply with the end result. If workers are given the opportunity to participate in shaping safe w...

    Employers must consult workers and/or their representatives and allow them to take part in discussions on all questions relating to safety and health at work in a balanced way. Workers/workers’ representatives have the right to ask the employer to take appropriate measures and to submit proposals. National laws and/or practices set specific requir...

    Under the law, employers are responsible for health and safety management. This means making sure that workers are protected from anything that may cause harm by effectively controlling any risks to injury or health that could arise in the workplace. Employers have duties under health and safety law to assess risks in the workplace. Risk assessment...

    Both employers and employees have the responsibility to look after health and safety at work. Employers have the main duties to prevent risks to their workers by putting in place protective measures including safe ways of working, safe equipment, suitable personal protective equipment and information, instruction and training for workers. But the ...

    “The role of the worker representative is to ensure that workers have an input into

    Worker representatives combined with direct worker participation is an effective way of obtaining views and involving workers in health and safety. The role of the worker representative is to ensure that workers have an input into managerial decision-making when preventive and protective measures are being developed, by reflecting their views, co...

    The following two checklists cover the key points that should be considered when developing arrangements to improve worker involvement. The first checklist is designed for workers and the second is for workers’ representatives. Questions answered ‘no’ should be looked at to see what could be done differently. They are not exhaustive and should onl... A dedicated section on the Healthy Workplaces Campaign website has been created to provide workers and their representatives with further advice and guidance. It includes links to various publications and websites, as well as online and downloadable versions of this guide.

    EU-OSHA is producing various reports on good practices on leadership and worker participation which will become available during the campaign. There will also be dedicated sections on the website on leadership ( and worker participation ( worker-participation). “Full participation goes ... The ETUC has produced various publications on worker representation For example, see: Main topics – safety reps Publications section on worker representatives HesaMag articles on worker representation National trade unions provide practical support and training for their worker representatives and produce a variety of information on workplace health and safety. National OS...

  4. Participation emphasises the competing interests of management and employees and then seeks to provide employees with greater influence in management's decision making on a power sharing basis.

  5. 1. The defence and promotion of workers' interests, which is the view that workers' participation in management is a means of advancing the interests of workers.

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  7. It is time to expand the purview of occupational health and safety to include issues of work organization, workplace stress, and work er participation. Worker participation programs are in 3. vogue and purport to give workers more control over their work environment. But look closely.

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