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  1. Small business exports. A total of 288,063 identified firms exported goods worth $1.5 trillion from the United States in 2019. Of those exporters, 280,496—or 97.4 percent—were small. Small firms exported goods worth $459.6 billion, making up 31.6 percent of exports by identified firms.

    • Introduction: Changes in the Business Association Paradigm
    • The Sustainability Pyramid
    • The Empowerment Pyramid
    • Federation Council:
    • Secretariat General:
    • Operational Directorates:
    • Directorate of Economic Affairs
    • “The illiterate of the 21st Century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn and re-learn”
    • Vision
    • Mission
    • Resources
    • Step One: Creation of Membership Team
    • Step Two: Stakeholder Input
    • Step Four: Strategy Implementation
    • Step Six: Revision
    • What is Advocacy?
    • What Public Policy Advocacy is Not
    • To make the voice of business heard
    • To strengthen business associations
    • The Open Doors Campaign
    • The Bulldozer Initiative
    • Advocacy Partnership Program
    • What is a Business Agenda?
    • Gathering Input
    • Focus Groups
    • Public Policy Advocacy Surveys
    • Public Forums
    • Compiling and Analyzing Data
    • Statistics
    • Existing Research Reports
    • Technical Articles
    • On-Line Sources
    • Conducting Independent Research
    • Developing Specific Policy Positions
    • Policy positions should be specific
    • Policy positions should be realistic
    • Policy positions should be supported by data
    • Policy positions should be agreed upon by key stakeholders
    • Policy positions, where possible, should focus on the financial or social benefits of a particular action or actions
    • Policy positions should be brief and easy to understand
    • Developing a Utilization Plan for the Business Agenda
    • Business Agenda Launch Event
    • Creation of Advocacy Committee Structure
    • Press Events
    • Direct Advocacy
    • What is a Public Policy Advocacy Campaign?
    • Elements of a Successful Campaign
    • Issue Briefs
    • Networking Events
    • Collaborative Stakeholder Event
    • Media Outreach
    • Grassroots Support
    • Publications
    • Press Releases
    • Press Conferences
    • Other Media-Oriented Events/Interventions
    • Be Knowledgeable
    • Be Truthful
    • Be Credible
    • Be Respectful
    • Be Calm
    • What is Grassroots Support?
    • Create a database of supporters
    • Create a sense of urgency
    • Keep supporters involved
    • What is Direct Advocacy?
    • The Relationship Between Direct Advocacy and Power
    • Direct Advocacy Success Tips
    • The Direct Advocacy Axiom
    • Planning
    • Delivery
    • Outcomes
    • Evaluation
    • Level One: Ad Hoc
    • Level Two: Planned
    • Level Three: Institutionalized
    • Level Four: Evaluated
    • Level Five: Optimized
    • Step Three: Assess current communications performance and capacity
    • Step Four: Identify areas of improvement
    • Step Five: Refine, practice and repeat the process as needed
    • The Empowerment Pyramid
    • Electronic Communications
    • Print Communications
    • Interpersonal Communications
    • Mass Communications
    • Press Releases
    • Press Conferences
    • Solicit Stakeholder Input
    • Audit Current Programs/Services
    • Draft Program/Service Plan:
    • Implement Program/Service Plan
    • Evaluate Results
    • Other Expenses
    • Organizational Readiness
    • The Idea
    • Researching Potential Funders
    • Contacting and Cultivating Funders
    • Compatibility
    • Credibility
    • Need
    • Objective
    • Method
    • Evaluation
    • Project Sustainability
    • Budget
    • Cover letter
    • Proposal Narrative
    • Organizational Background:
    • Purpose of the Grant or Project Description:
    • Typical Attachments:
    • Project Budget Development
    • Budget Tips
    • Packaging the Proposal
    • Stewardship and Recognition
    • NEED
    • METHOD
    • BUDGET

    A Resource for Chambers of Commerce and Business Associations This electronic guidebook was developed by Mark T. McCord, a Senior Manager for BearingPoint who has more than twenty years of experience in organizational management, as a mechanism for Chambers of Commerce and business associations to have access to international best practices. Throu...


    Business associations have evolved over thousands of years into organizations that promote the collective good of their members. The roots of these associations can be traced to ancient times, when merchants in the Middle East and China joined together to form cooperatives in order to increase their power in the marketplace. These cooperatives ev...

    Many business associations have difficulty because they lack an understanding of why they exist. Because they don’t understand this basic element of organizational development, they fail to develop demand-driven programs and thus cannot recruit members. Organizations that don’t understand their purpose are like rudderless ships that pound through...

    It has been said that humans can never change the way they act until they change the way they think. Analysis of business associations over the last twenty years has proved the applicability of this statement to organizational development as well. In countries around the world, associations have either progressed or been marginalized because of t...

    Business association development in any part of the world is not easy, as competition, changing economic structures, and challenging advocacy environments are forcing even well-established organizations to change the way they conduct business. In developing and transitioning economies, however, associations face additional constraints that can be ...

    The key to building the capacity of business associations is an understanding of the developmental model that allows for the creation of sustainable organizations. BearingPoint has used the following model extensively to build the capacity of Chambers of Commerce and business associations around the globe. The pyramid in Figure 1.1 outlines the mo...

    Must be powerful be believable Must be noticed Must be strategic and demand-driven Must be transparent Movement up the sustainability pyramid requires customized intervention within the following four activity areas. Each one of these areas should contain demand-driven and practical objectives and activities that focus on building organizational c...

    Value representation and it. representation and willing to support it. Acknowledge representation and become part of it. Acknowledge representation but don’t know how it works. Want representation but don’t know how to get it. These pyramids operate parallel to each other, meaning that as an organization creates a transparent governance structure, ...

    “The problem with business association governance is that everyone wants to ride the roller coaster, but few want to design or fix it”. There is a great deal of truth to this statement in that it is exhilarating to ride a roller coaster....the ups and downs of the trip are exciting and at the same time somewhat frightening. Yet, at the end of the...

    The elected chairmen of the constituent chambers form the Federation Council, which internally elects the Federation’s president and three vice presidents, one from Gaza and two from the West Bank. The Chairman of the Jerusalem Chamber of Commerce was elected by consensus as President of the Federation Council. The following officers were also elec...

    The Federation President nominates a Secretary General, but the appointment has to be approved by the Council. This also applies to the Secretary General’s assistant. The Secretary General is responsible for the Federation’s day-to-day operation. He is also responsible for implementing the Council’s policies.

    The Federation’s structure in terms of operational staff is not completed. Currently, only ten staff members are working for the Federation. This includes the Secretary General and his assistant along with two secretaries, a chief economist, a senior researcher, two junior researchers and two information technology specialists.

    The Directorate of Economic Affairs serves as the Federation’s backbone and has a staff of five headed by a senior researcher. In the future, the plan is to strengthen this directorate to have two main departments; private sector strategies/policies department and department of services & technical assistance. The private sector strategies/polices ...

    Salima Ahmad, President of the Bangladesh Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry, understood the daunting task ahead of her when she founded the organization in 2000. Because of the country’s poverty, political unrest, and conservative views on women’s participation in business, it appeared that her efforts might be doomed from the start. Nearl...

    Of these six elements, vision is the one most often overlooked, as it is sometimes confused with mission. Vision is typically an end-state the organization wants to achieve in the long-term. The period of time necessary to achieve the vision is dependent on a variety of factors such as current organizational capacity, commitment on the part of th...

    A mission statement is a statement of purpose that defines why an organization exists. It is typically stated in 50 words or less. An organization’s mission sets the foundation for its strategy as well as builds its identity. The mission statement should be widely understood by the organization’s members and should create a clear image in the mi...

    Many associations view resources as simply the financial capacity needed to implement its strategic plan. While finances are certainly one element of the resource picture, there are other factors to consider, such as time and materials. In many cases, strategic plans fail not because of lack of vision or even a flawed process, but rather an under...

    Regardless of a business association’s structure, membership development plays a key role in its overall success. Most organizational executives will acknowledge this, but in many cases the process of recruiting and retaining members is confounding to even mature associations. There are several reasons for this. First and foremost, many organiza...

    The construction of a membership recruitment team is critical to the success of membership development. The team must have strong and committed leadership (usually provided by a member of the organization’s board of directors), as well as trained members that have marketing/sales skills and are willing to “sell” the organization’s importance to th...

    As in the development of an overall organizational strategy, the creation of a strategic plan for membership development requires input from stakeholders. A variety of techniques may be used to solicit this input, but the most common are focus groups (usually consisting of members, former members, and prospective members), surveys and company site...

    Once the membership development strategy is created, the membership team should immediately focus on implementation. Depending on the strategy, this may include a larger focus on membership recruitment, membership retention, or the creation of non-dues income sources. This will depend on the organization’s priorities based on the input received f...

    As in the case of the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, there are times when a strategy must be revised in order to meet changing paradigms within the community, industry or organization. For this reason, evaluation is imperative at least quarterly in order to provide the ability to respond to changing circumstances. Even the best mem...

    SECTION ONE: OVERVIEW OF ORGANIZATIONAL ADVOCACY Global experience highlights that economic reform is only truly effective when business associations make their voice known through advocacy. Business groups represent an important segment of society -- one that stimulates economic growth through the creation of goods and services and the jobs that ...

    In simple terms, advocacy is the act of transparently influencing or supporting a person or ideal. Public policy advocacy refers to the influencing of laws and/or regulations. In the case of business associations, this usually means those policies that affect their members. In other words, public policy advocacy involves speaking out in favor of ...

    It is important not only to understand what public policy advocacy is, but also realize what it is not. From the perspective of business associations, public policy advocacy is geared towards creating a hospitable business climate for all its members. It is not designed to: Obtain preferential treatment for one business or sector Solve problems con...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

    Mark T. McCord is an expert in international business association, enterprise, governance and trade development. After a highly successful career as an organizational executive, Mr. McCord embarked on a career in international development. As a Certified Chamber Executive and former executive for the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce a...

  2. These profiles define small businesses as firms with fewer than 500 employees. Net small business job change, self–employed minorities, and exporter share statistics are based on 2019 Business Employment Dynamics (BDM), 2018 American Community Survey (ACS), and 2018 International Trade Administration (ITA) data, respectively.

  3. In Doing Business in the United States: A BDO Roadmap, we outline these six steps— and questions and considerations for each—that can help guide your action plan. 6 STEPS TO DOING

  4. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) revision for 2022 is scheduled to go into effect for reference year 2022 in Canada and the United States, and 2023 in Mexico.

  5. 1. What is a small business? The Office of Advocacy generally defines a small business as an independent business having fewer than 500 employees. For industry-level small business size standards used in government programs and contracting, see document/support--table-size-standards. 2.

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  7. Mar 1, 2015 · This paper deals with a critical approachto the definition of small and medium enterprises, inconsistencies in criteria and various proposed approaches to the definition towards universal...

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