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  1. God's glory demands praise. Thus, this psalm reminds us why we worship God even as it calls us to worship. In a sense, we join ourselves to the robe of majesty that surrounds God when we worship him.

  2. Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: megaleiotes Phonetic. Spelling: (meg-al-i-ot'-ace) Short Definition: majesty Definition: (divine ... // - 6k. 3169. megaloprepes -- befitting a great one.

    • The Existence of God
    • The Nature of God
    • The Attributes of God
    • The Greatness of God

    Nature itself bears witness to God as a Creator. How can we account for all the things around us that we see and experience—the birds, the rocks, the trees, the stars? There can be no effect without a cause; no book without an author; no creation without a creator; and so there can be no design without a designer. And since this universe on which w...

    God is infinite. There is no limit to His Being, and therefore He cannot be compressed into any one definition, but we can put into verbal form our understanding of the Almighty as He has chosen to reveal Himself in the Holy Scriptures. When I say the word “house,” in your mind’s eye you can see a house. The same is true when I say words like “cat”...

    By the attributes of God, we simply mean the characteristics or the qualities which describe His Being. (1) God is omniscient. He knows all things. Elihu, in Job 37, speaks of “the wondrous works of Him who is perfect in knowledge.” Since God is perfect in knowledge, He knows everything. He knows your name, your address, your telephone number, and ...

    The whole Bible, from the tremendous words of Genesis one to the last verse of the Revelation, gives voice to the infinite greatness and majesty of God. The 147th Psalm says, “Great is our Lord, and (mighty) in power; His understanding is infinite.” (1) God’s greatness is seen in the universe. The Bible says in Isaiah 45:12, “I have made the earth ...

  3. Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ ...

  4. Majesty: from megas, "great," denotes "greatness, majesty;" it is used of God the Father, signifying His greatness and dignity, in Hbr 1:3, "the Majesty (on high)," and Hbr 8:1, "the Majesty (in the Heavens);" and in an ascription of praise acknowledging the attributes of God in Jud 1:25.

  5. One-Time Gift. Home Learn Teaching Series The Holiness of God: Extended Version The Majesty of God. In the year King Uzziah died, the prophet Isaiah saw a vision of the Holy One of Israel that made him understand the horror of sin and gave him a passion to pro.

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  7. Oct 12, 2014 · Our God is clothed with majesty. Majesty is the word in our text. Majesty is defined as dignity or power of a sovereign, grandeur, stateliness, and nobility. We call all the grand experiences of the eye and life, majestic and awesome for lack of adequate words to describe such momentous interludes.