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  1. The Majesty of God’s Name. T H E P O I N T. God is majestic and exalted by everything He does. THE PASSAGE. Psalm 138:1-8. THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE. We all have at least one song—perhaps several—that moves us. Songs that have a way of touching our emotions. Stir something within us. Maybe they put a smile on our face or make us want to dance.

  2. 1090 God, majesty of. The greatness and splendour of God, revealed in his creation and mighty works of deliverance. On account of his majesty, God is worthy of praise and adoration from all people. Heb 8:1 See also 1Sa 15:29; Ps 24:10 The word translated “glory” also means “majesty”; Heb 1:3-4.

  3. Jan 16, 2024 · Majesty is presented in the Bible as a name or title of God rather than a physical attribute of God, implying that Majesty can mean that He is above all else, due to His power and resources. It can also refer to his greatness, such as His mercy, His holiness, His omniscience and omnipresence, His sovereignty as well as His glory and splendor.

  4. Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: megaleiotes Phonetic. Spelling: (meg-al-i-ot'-ace) Short Definition: majesty Definition: (divine ... // - 6k. 3169. megaloprepes -- befitting a great one.

  5. God's great strength calls forth honor. God's glory demands praise. Thus, this psalm reminds us why we worship God even as it calls us to worship. In a sense, we join ourselves to the robe of majesty that surrounds God when we worship him.

  6. Majesty: from megas, "great," denotes "greatness, majesty;" it is used of God the Father, signifying His greatness and dignity, in Hbr 1:3, "the Majesty (on high)," and Hbr 8:1, "the Majesty (in the Heavens);" and in an ascription of praise acknowledging the attributes of God in Jud 1:25.

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  8. The Bible uses a host of ways to get at it. Sometimes we even say “God is awesome.” In the old days, they would say, “God is terrible.” It’s not how we use that word today, but “the majesty of God” is one of the ways we express the God-ness of who God is.

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