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      • The greatness and splendour of God, revealed in his creation and mighty works of deliverance. On account of his majesty, God is worthy of praise and adoration from all people.
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  2. So, when it comes to Psalm 93:1, God's being robed in majesty represents his being enveloped in the esteem of his creatures. God's great strength calls forth honor. God's glory demands praise.

  3. Dec 18, 2022 · Micah’s famous Bethlehem prophecy tells of a majesty that is greatness in one coming who will “stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God. And they shall dwell secure, for now he shall be great to the ends of the earth” (Micah 5:4).

  4. Jan 16, 2024 · Similarly in Isaiah (59:19), God’s Majesty is described as ‘mighty to save’. Majesty as referred to in the Bible implies that God is larger than life and has a greater power than any earthly being, and He uses this power to bring purpose and meaning to life.

    • Fan The Flame of Passion For Godlink
    • Be Filled with The Fulness of Godlink
    • Zeal For The Glory of Godlink
    • Perceive The Excellence of Christlink
    • An Aim For The Glory of His Goodnesslink
    • Calvin’s Early Life and Conversionlink
    • “The Internal Testimony of The Holy Spirit”Link
    • His Invincible Constancy in The MinistryLink
    • All Was Exposition of The Scriptureslink

    I begin with this biblical self-identification of God because my unhidden and unashamed aim in this message on John Calvin — and indeed in all the ten years of this conference for pastors — is to fan the flame in you of a passion for the centrality and supremacy of God in your ministry. My heart burns when I hear God say, “My name is, ‘I am who I a...

    On this tenth anniversary of the Bethlehem Conference for Pastors, my desire is as strong as ever that God might inflame in you a passion for his centrality and supremacy in your ministry, so that your people will say, when you are dead and gone, “This man knew God. This man loved God. This man lived for the glory of God. This man showed us God wee...

    Here’s what he said to the Cardinal: “[Your] zeal for heavenly life [is] a zeal which keeps a man entirely devoted to himself, and does not, even by one expression, arouse him to sanctify the name of God.” In other words, even precious truth about eternal life can be so skewed as to displace God as the center and goal. And this was Calvin’s chief c...

    When Calvin did eventually get to the issue of justification in his response to Sadolet, he said, “You . . . touch upon justification by faith, the first and keenest subject of controversy between us. . . . Wherever the knowledge of it is taken away, the glory of Christ is extinguished” (John Calvin: Selections from His Writings, 95). So here again...

    Therefore, the unifying root of all of Calvin’s labors is his passion to display the glory of God in Christ. When he was thirty years old, he described an imaginary scene of himself at the end of his life, giving an account to God, and said, “The thing [O God] at which I chiefly aimed, and for which I most diligently labored, was, that the glory of...

    Let’s bring the story up to the key event of his conversion soon after he was 21 years old. He was born July 10, 1509, in Noyon, France, when Martin Luther was 25 years old and had just begun to teach the Bible in Wittenberg. We know almost nothing of his early home life. When he was 14, his father sent him to study theology at the University of Pa...

    How this happened is extremely important, and we need to see Calvin himself describe it in the Institutes, especially Book I, Chapters VII and VIII. Here he wrestles with how we can come to a saving knowledge of God through the Scriptures. His answer is the famous phrase, “the internal testimony of the Holy Spirit.” For example, he says, “Scripture...

    He was, as Wolfgang Musculus called him, “a bow always strung.” In one way he seemed to take heed to his health. Colladon says that “he was for many years with a single meal a day and never [took] anything between two meals. . . .” His reasons were that the weakness of his stomach and his migraines could only be controlled, he had found by experime...

    He wrote tracts, he wrote the great Institutes, he wrote commentaries (on all the New Testament books except Revelation, plus the Pentateuch, Psalms, Isaiah and Joshua), he gave biblical lectures (many of which were published as virtual commentaries) and he preached ten sermons every two weeks. But all of it was exposition of Scripture. Dillenberge...

  5. Sep 23, 2023 · From beginning to end, the earthly life of Jesus magnified the majesty of his Father. Jesus so spoke, and so acted, that as Luke 9:43 reports, “all were astonished at the majesty of God.” Yet, even then, in the earthly ministry of Christ, a greater and more stunning majesty remained.

  6. 1090 God, majesty of. The greatness and splendour of God, revealed in his creation and mighty works of deliverance. On account of his majesty, God is worthy of praise and adoration from all people. God is majestic. Heb 8:1 See also 1Sa 15:29; Ps 24:10 The word translated “glory” also means “majesty”; Heb 1:3-4. Majesty belongs to God

  7. He shall stand, and shall shepherd in the strength of Yahweh, in the majesty of the name of Yahweh his God: and they will live, for then he will be great to the ends of the earth. (WEB KJV JPS ASV DBY WBS NAS RSV NIV)

  1. I've helped thousands of people know how to develop a strong faith in God. 12 Steps to God will nourish every Christian wanting renewal. - Alison