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  1. 39 In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to a city of Judah, 40 and she entered the house of Zechari’ah and greeted Elizabeth. 41 And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit 42 and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! 43 ...

  2. Sep 10, 2020 · Suddenly her life changed forever. Mary, Mother of Jesus. Known for: Mary was the mother of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. She was a willing servant, trusting in God and obeying his call. Bible References: Jesus' mother Mary is mentioned throughout the Gospels and in Acts 1:14. Hometown: Mary was from Nazareth in Galilee.

  3. What can we learn from the life and story of Mary, the mother of Jesus? A challenging introduction. Mary, or perhaps Miriam, was a descendant of King David. Most scholars consider the genealogy in Luke 3:23-38 to be the lineage of Mary. Mary is first introduced in the Bible as “a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph” (Luke 1:26 ...

  4. Nov 27, 2015 · Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, is a very important person in the Bible, not only because she was the mother of Jesus but because she made herself available to God for whatever purpose He ...

  5. 2 A Victim of the Law. The weeping mother. Mary was an innocent victim of corruption in high places. She had to flee to Egypt with her son to escape King Herod’s shocking massacre of infants (Matthew 2) which left many mothers distraught and weeping. Later, Mary had to stand by and watch the Romans nail her son to the cross.

  6. Mary of Nazareth, mother of Jesus, holds her dead son after the crucifixion; from the film The Passion of the Christ. Mary saw her son tortured and killed. Jesus had been her baby, the boy she educated, the young man she was so proud of. She now saw him tormented and executed by brutal soldiers.

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  8. Matthew and Luke are the only two books in the Bible that mention Mary’s virginity. They are also the only books that tell Jesus’ birth story. The Gospel of Matthew notes that when Jesus is conceived, Mary is engaged to Joseph but does not yet live with him. An angel comforts Joseph that the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit ...

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