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      • This is a “gut test” and a “gut level” determination. Always listen to your gut because it tests your internal code of morality at the psychological level.
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  2. Kidder lays out nine checkpoints for Ethical Decision Making: 1. Recognize there is a moral issue; 2. Determine the actor (who does the problem belong to?); 3. Gather the relevant facts; 4. Test for right vs. wrong issues; 5. Test for right vs. right paradigms; 6. Apply the resolution principles; 7. Investigate the “trilemma” option; 8.

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  3. —Ethicist Rushworth Kidder. WHAT’S AHEAD. This chapter surveys the components of ethical behavior—moral sensitivity, moral judgment, moral motivation, and moral character—and introduces systematic approaches to ethical problem solving.

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  4. Kidder’s Nine Checkpoints of Ethical Decision‐Making 1. Recognize that there is a moral issue. 2. Determine the actor(s). 3. Gather the relevant facts. 4. Test for right vs. wrong: o Legal test o Regulaons test o Stench test o Front‐page test o Mom test

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  5. KiddersCheckpoints for Ethical Decision-Making 1. Is there an ethical dilemma? 2. Whose dilemma is it? 3. Distinguish facts from assumptions. 4. Test for Right-versus-Wrong issues. 5. Test for Right-versus-Right paradigms. 6. Applythe Resolution Principles. 7. >

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  6. Mar 3, 2016 · The final decision should embrace Kidders Legal Test: Is law breaking involved? If yes, the issue is one of obedience to the enforceable laws, as opposed to the unenforceable canons of moral code. If the answer is “yes it is legal” there are three other tests for right vs. wrong. The Smell Test:

  7. Rushworth M. Kidder, an influential author and ethics advocate, developed a practical ethical decision-making model known as “Kidder’s Ethical Checkpoints.” This model offers a step-by-step guide to help individuals assess and address ethical dilemmas.

  8. Kidder calls this the “momtest, but it is broader than the values instilled by your mother. It incorporates not just parental guidance but also those mentors, teachers, and colleagues who have influenced your values as a professional.

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