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  1. Dec 7, 2023 · Your temperament determines how you move through life and engage with people and situations. Learning more about your temperament style increases your self-awareness and gives some insight into why you make specific decisions or exhibit particular behaviors.

  2. Behavioral Psychology Studies and Examples. Some of the most famous studies in psychology are examples of the behavioral approach, including Pavlov’s study with dogs, Skinner’s research with pigeons, and Watson and Rayner’s experiments with a young boy known as little Albert.

    • Broad Affect. Broad affect refers to the ability of someone to experience the typical range of affective states, from happiness and bliss to sadness, melancholy, and temporary depression (Videbeck, 2019).
    • Restricted Affect. Restricted affect, also known as constricted affect, is when an individual experiences a reduced range of emotional expression, often finding it difficult to reach emotional expression on the extreme ends of negative and positive affect.
    • Blunted Affect. Blunted affect implies a significant reduction in the intensity of affective responses (Kaufmann et al., 2020). When a person has blunted affect, emotional reactions become less noticeable.
    • Flat Affect. Flat affect refers to a sitaution where an individual does not show any significant signs of emotional response at all, positive or negative.
  3. Dec 20, 2023 · The Big Five Personality Traits, also known as OCEAN or CANOE, are a psychological model that describes five broad dimensions of personality: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. These traits are believed to be relatively stable throughout an individual’s lifetime.

    • Backhanded compliments. These are comments which are subtle insults intended to put down the person being addressed without seeming mean-spirited. The comment and the tone may reflect that the person is being nice, but there is a covert insult in their statement.
    • Sarcasm. Passive-aggressive people may use sarcasm as a way to say malicious comments, which can be played off as a joke. Sarcasm allows someone to say negative things to people, and then when they are confronted, they may say, ‘I was only joking.’
    • Silent treatment. The silent treatment is simply not talking to someone who has upset you. People will use their silence to let others know they did something they do not agree with.
    • Evading issues. Someone who evades issues may never address any problems they have and will pretend everything is fine. They may say, ‘I’m fine’ or ‘Everything is good,’ when the opposite is true.
  4. Dec 1, 2020 · The FFM defines personality as a set of the five traits of openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (an easy way to remember these is that they spell...

  5. Personality Traits: 430 Traits, Definition, Lists, & Examples - The Berkeley Well-Being Institute. By Tchiki Davis, MA, PhD. What exactly are personality traits? Learn about theories of personality, positive and negative traits, the Big Five theory of personality, and get a list of traits.