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  1. Mar 8, 2023 · So, here are 5 heroines in the Bible, and what we can learn from their lives. Mary Magdalene Many may recognise her from sitting at Jesus’ feet (Luke 10:38-42) or being Jesus’ first witness after His resurrection (John 20:11-18).

  2. The traditional Bible translation says that after seeing all Solomon had to offer, ‘there was no more spirit in her’. An alternative translation is that ‘he took her breath away’. Solomon may have met his match, and so may she.

  3. Sep 19, 2024 · Understanding Femininity in the Bible. The Bible provides a rich understanding of femininity through various passages and characters that highlight women’s roles, strengths, and values. By examining these insights, you can gain perspective on biblical femininity and its relevance in today’s world. The Concept of Femininity

  4. Kimberly shares biblical stories of the bibles most courageous women and what they mean for us today. Learn More. Find more practical and spiritual insights in Kimberly Hahn’s Graced and Gifted: Biblical Wisdom for the Homemaker’s Heart.

  5. Jul 24, 2020 · Even as his creation changes and “will wear out like a garment,” we can take comfort in knowing our Lord won’t change. “But you are the same, and your years have no end” (v 27). We see this attribute of God throughout the Bible. “For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed” (Malachi 3:6).

  6. Feb 1, 2020 · The Book of Judith’s truly remarkable heroine, Judith, introduced as a devout, shapely, beautiful and wealthy widow (Judith 8:4, 7), exhibits characteristics showing her the equal of Israel’s finest warriors. Indeed her beheading of Holofernes, the invading Assyrian general—in his own tent, with his own sword, and surrounded by his own ...

  7. Rahab, like Ruth, was a woman who turned away from idol worship to change the history of Israel. In fact, Rahab is mentioned in the Bible’s Faith Hall of Fame . Hebrews 11:31 explains how it is Rahab’s faith that saved her.