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  1. Oct 23, 2008 · An act of flattery typically makes use of excessive commendatory language in describing the qualities or record of another person for the purpose of creating a favorable attitude in that person towards the flatterer. It contains an explicit assertion of alleged merit.

  2. ‘Face’ is a term which is located in sociology, as it relates to the person, to the self and to identity, whereas the derivative ‘face-threatening act’ draws heavily on pragmatics and, more specifically, on speech act theory. The related term ‘facework’ may provide a kind of link between the two.

    • Maria Sifianou, Angeliki Tzanne
    • 2021
  3. Feb 13, 2024 · Socialization prepares individuals to participate in a group by illustrating the expectations of that group. Through socialization, people are taught the language, values, and behaviors that are accepted within a group and learn to control their natural impulses.

  4. Feb 13, 2024 · How Are Norms and Values Different? Values are the basic beliefs that guide the actions of individuals, while norms are the expectations that society has for people’s behavior. In other words, values tell individuals what is right or wrong, while norms tell individuals what is acceptable or not.

  5. Normalization process theory covers four primary domains: (i) sense-making that creates coherence, (ii) organizing mental activity to manifest cognitive participation related to the behavior, (iii) operationalizing the behaviour through collective action, and (iv) appraising and adapting behaviours through reflexive monitoring. [6]

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  7. 1. to praise too much, untruly, or insincerely, as in order to win favor. 2. to try to please, or ingratiate oneself with, by praise and attention. 3. to make seem better or more attractive than is so. his portrait flatters him. 4. to make feel pleased or honored; gratify the vanity of.

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