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      • To do something for the Lord means we do it knowing something — that from the Lord we will receive the reward of the inheritance. So doing something for the Lord does not mean doing something to meet the Lord’s needs. It means doing something to receive the Lord’s reward.
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  2. Sep 29, 2004 · When Paul insists that “good” acts are the will of God, he is making sure that we do not treat Christianity as a mystical religion with no concrete moral demands. He is saying: there is good and evil in the world. God wills the good. Do good things, and you will be doing the will of God.

  3. Sep 3, 2013 · Do Something For God. It’s a phrase we often use. We talk about working for God, going on a missions trip for God, doing the ministry for God. And it’s good to talk that way, because it’s biblical. For example — We are promised that through Christ we will “bear fruit for God” (Romans 7:4).

  4. Jan 4, 2022 · God is the standard of all that is good. The fact that God is good means that He has no evil in Him, His intentions and motivations are always good, He always does what is right, and the outcome of His plan is always good (see Genesis 50:20).

  5. Apr 17, 2023 · Gods will for the believer is good. It is good because He is fully good (Luke 18:19) with no evil or darkness in Him (1 John 1:5). Every “good and perfect gift” comes from God (James 1:17), and “He withholds no good thing from those who walk uprightly” (Psalm 84:11).

    • Humbly Test Yourself.Link
    • Expectantly Turn to God.Link
    • Confidently Lean on His Promises.Link
    • Patiently Trust His Timing.Link

    First, when tempted to grow weary, ask with open hands, Am I “doing good,” on God’s terms, for others’ good and not just my own? Am I serving others, or self, with my sense of calling? When resistance comes, internally or externally, we do well to ask about the nature of the opposition: 1. Is this resistence a gift from God? 2. Are people who manif...

    Peeling the onion of our own hearts will only get us so far. We need solid footing outside ourselves to persevere. When we feel the temptation to weariness, we have somewhere to turn — Someone to turn to — for clarity and direction and strength. We are not left to drum it up from within. We know the one who does not faint or grow weary. And not onl...

    God has given us his word that we might learn to lean on God himself. Not just generally on true ideas, concepts, and Christian slogans, but specifically on the actual words of God for us, letting all the ways God speaks to us brace us for doing good. Hear the risen Christ say to you, through his appointed spokesman, “My beloved brothers, be steadf...

    Walking by faith in God’s promises is no magic spell to force his hand. Trusting his words doesn’t bend his arm to conform to our timing. Rather, it readies us to adjust our sense of timing to his. That is the great ground on which Paul gives his charge in Galatians 6:9: “Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due seasonwe will reap, if we do ...

  6. May 20, 2022 · The Bible often describes God as “good,” but what does that really mean? How do we reconcile a good God with our current suffering, the violence of the Old Testament, or even with the brutality of the cross? And what benefit is there in “doing good”?

  7. Jan 30, 2024 · “Good” is who God is, what He does, and what we experience on His behalf. God, in His goodness, is sovereign over every circumstance. He proclaimed each note of His creation, “good.”

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