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      • Discontentment is an emotion that is capable of dwarfing us spiritually because it is directed against the Lord. If we are discontented with His will for us, then we're not going to grow in our faith.
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  2. Sep 20, 2021 · Discontentment is a mistrusting of God. Contentment is trusting God implicitly. Thus, discontent is the opposite of faith. Discontentment amounts to complaining against God’s plan. In my desire to be sovereign, I think my plan for me is better.

    • Ecclesiastes 6:10-12. Verse 10 is essentially saying that God is sovereign, and some things that He has established cannot be changed. Naming a thing is an indication that the thing so named is set.
    • Ezekiel 28:12-17. We should never underestimate Satan's power nor his hatred for God and man. He surreptitiously broadcasts his evil, spiritual intents into our minds, subtly working to turn each member of the “little flock” away from God (Ephesians 2:2).
    • Ezekiel 28:12-17. Ezekiel 28 chronicles Satan and his downfall into sin. Notice verse 2, addressed by God to "the prince of Tyre," a human type of Satan, probably the ruler of that Phoenician city: "Because your heart is lifted up, and you say, 'I am a god.
    • Daniel 11:32-39. What the Beast is doing now (and he must be alive and climbing the political ladder today) is working his subtlety wherever he happens to be, using people to create loyalty to himself and to his cause.
    • Discontentment Comes When We Focus on What We Lack
    • Discontentment Is Directed Toward God
    • Need Teaches Us to Trust God More
    • Discontentment Distorts The Past and Destroys The Present
    • Discontentment Results in Rebellion
    • Discontentment Prevents God Front Giving Us His Best
    • Discontentment Is Sin
    • You Can't Be Godly and Discontented
    • Contentment Most Be Learned
    • We Can Be Content Because God's Resources Are Limitless

    The solution was so simple. The Lord had no intention of abandoning His people. He just wanted their trust. When Moses appealed to the Lord, He showed Moses what to do: "Then Moses cried out to the LORD and the LORD showed him a piece of wood. He threw it into the water, and the water became sweet" (Exod. 15:25). Less than a month later, we find th...

    The Israelites were dissatisfied with God and the way He was handling things. Whenever they came to an obstacle that required faith in the Lord who led them, whether it was thirst or hunger, they complained. They could have encouraged each other by saying, "God has brought us this far; He must have a plan to take care of us the rest of the way." Bu...

    Of course, as far as His people were concerned, God had a plan. And His plan was something they never could have even imagined. He knew they had to eat. He knew there were no supermarkets in the Sinai wilderness. He knew they couldn't plant gardens and wait for food to grow and still travel at the same time. So He just sent fast food—bread from hea...

    Do you look back on the "good old days" of your life and think you were happier then than you are now? Stop and ask yourself whether you were really content back then. Wasn't there always something else you wanted to make you happy? Discontentment casts a dark shadow on our lives. It's a worm that nibbles away at our peace and joy. Israel's dissati...

    After two years of seeing God miraculously meet their every need, the people were dissatisfied with His care and His purpose for their lives. Their hearts yearned for Egypt. Egypt was their homeland, not Canaan. They had blanked out the agony of slavery; they lusted for the food of Egypt. They were still slaves in their hearts—slaves to their cravi...

    It was all over for the discontented. They wandered in circles for thirty-eight more years like one long funeral procession as that generation lived their lives without anticipating anything but death. The people's dissatisfaction with God's purpose for them, their disdain of His bountiful provision, their disregard of His mighty power, and their d...

    The temptation to sin usually begins with discontentment about what we are or what we have. For instance, consider financial sins. How much grief would be avoided if we were satisfied with our income? if we didn't crave more and more of the things money can buy, would we enslave ourselves to creditors? "Whoever loves money never has money enough; w...

    When I studied the word content as it is used in the New Testament, I found something very interesting. In other places the same Greek word is translated, "enough," "sufficient," and "to be strong enough." Obviously, godliness and contentment go together like hand and glove. And "godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into...

    The apostle Paul learned to be content. His physical circumstances did not determine his attitude or control his emotions. He wrote, "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being conten...

    We are instructed to be more than grateful—God wants us to share our blessings with others. Paul wrote, "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, yo...

  3. Nov 1, 2013 · Contentment is determined by what we believe. And our belief is fueled by what we’re seeing. So if you need to lay aside the weight (Hebrews 12:1) of discontentment today—the sinful kind that stems from disappointment and leads to grumbling—begin by looking at what you’re looking at.

  4. May 9, 2017 · Winfree Brisley explains how the right kind of discontentment can help us long for God and heaven in deeper ways.

  5. Mar 11, 2024 · There are three sins that lie behind discontentpride, rebellion and unbelief. These are the original sins of the devil and his angels. They are sins that come from hell itself, and they continue in hell forever. 1. Discontent is a manifestation of pride.

  6. Jun 10, 2015 · When I am discontent about the past, present or the future then I am bucking against God’s rule, questioning his wisdom, and doubting his love. If we are discontent then we must remember the comforting doctrine of God’s providence.

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