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  1. A complication is the part of a tragic plot that includes everything from the beginning of the play up to the point of the change of fortune. A tragedy must have both complication and resolution, and a complication can even occur outside the events of a play, such as action that occurs before the play starts but has bearing on the plot.

  2. Conceit: a fanciful and elaborate figure of speech that makes a surprising connection between two seemingly dissimilar things. Example: John Donne’s comparison of separated lovers to the legs of a compass. Consonance: the repetition of consonant sounds. This repetition is not limited to initial consonant sounds.

    • Meggy Dimalibot
  3. It is the issue/problem in a narrative around which the whole story revolves. Conflicts can exist between individual characters, between groups of characters, between a character and society, between a character and nature, and it can also be abstract (conflicting ideas).

  4. complications and conflicts of the plot are resolved. Diction: word choice Enjambment: the carrying of sense and grammatical structure in a poem beyond the end of one line, COUPLET, or STANZA and into the next. Epigram: any witty, pointed saying. Originally an epigram meant an inscription, or epitaph usually in verse, on a tomb.

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  5. Both evocation and exposition are essential to effective poetic communication. When crafting poems, poets evoke and expose meaning, in part, by means of the following Poetic Elements: Music – Meaningful poems are pleasing to the ear. Poets use Sound Devices to interpose music into their poems.

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  6. Levels of diction, poetic syntax, the sonnet itself, and, as we shall see, verse forms in general are defined by established conventions. Even simile and metaphor, along with other figures of speech, are conventions we recognize, and indeed expect, from poetry.

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  8. A Poetry Form is the general organizing principle of a literary work. Click the following link if you need detailed information (definitions and examples) about different. Types of Poetry. Some Poetry Forms. Detailed below are explanations of Poetry Forms. There are many poetry forms such as ballads, sonnets, odes, epitaphs, elegies and many more.

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