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  1. 1. ( v. i.) To fail suddenly and completely, like something hollow when subject to too much pressure; to undergo a collapse; as, Maximilian's government collapsed soon after the French army left Mexico; many financial projects collapse after attaining some success and importance. 2. ( v. i.)

  2. Mar 15, 2019 · Psalm 46:10. Take a minute and meditate on this verse right now. Be Still. This phrase is actually derived from the Hebrew word rapha which means “to be weak, to let go, to release.”. Essentially, it means surrender. And know.

  3. 5 days ago · The Bible addresses failure in various ways, emphasizing growth and redemption through setbacks. You can find encouragement in several key passages and stories. Embrace Failure as a Step to Growth. Proverbs 24:16: “For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again.” This verse shows that falling is part of life.

  4. Revelation 1:17 says that John fell as one “dead.” The word “dead” is the Greek word nekros, which is the word for a corpse. In other words, in one split second, it seemed that all the life had gone out of him, and he crumpled forward (pipto) at the feet of Jesus.

    • Introduction
    • A Prediction of Peter’s Failure
    • A Description of Peter’s Failure
    • The Reason and Responsibility For Peter’s Failure
    • The Purpose For Peter’s Failure
    • The Painfulness of Peter’s Failure
    • The Restoration of Peter
    • Lessons of Life from The Failure of Peter

    I have always wondered what it would be like to speak on a subject concerning which my training and experience has made me an expert. At last it has happened, for I would like to address the subject of failure. While failure is not necessarily the most popular subject, it is one that is absolutely mandatory for all of us because failure is one of t...

    Luke, not by chance but by design, precedes the prediction of Peter’s denial by informing us that during this Last Supper the disciples had been disputing with one another. “And there arose also a dispute among them as to which of them was regarded to be greatest” (Luke 22:24). Personally, I believe that this dispute was the outgrowth of a struggle...

    Because Peter’s denial has been so frequently misinterpreted and badly abused, we should attempt to clear the air by carefully defining what was the nature of this denial. (1) It was not just an individual act of denial. To put it in other words, Peter’s sin was no solo. Jesus had said that Satan had demanded permission to sift all of the disciples...

    Seldom do we find a text that gives us such a clear picture of the underlying factors and forces behind man’s sin. To fully understand human failure we must consider divine sovereignty, satanic activity and human responsibility. The question of the existence of evil in the sovereign will of an all-wise, all-powerful God is a difficult one, one that...

    Much confusion in Christian thinking could be cleared up by a firm belief in this biblical principle: The Christian’s failure is never purposed for his destruction, but for his development. I have not made this up in my own mind, it is clearly stated in the Word of God, “The steps of a man are established by the Lord; and He delights in his way. Wh...

    There is a tightrope in this message which I have been trying to walk very carefully. There are two extremes which must be avoided. The first is an overwhelming sense of guilt and failure and the misconception that sin forever removes us from the will of God and that we must resign ourselves to a life of uselessness and futility. In effect, we simp...

    Nothing is more comforting and beautiful than the work of the Savior in restoring Peter. It began before the denial with a word of warning, a prediction, and a promise of recovery and renewal. It commenced with the intercessory prayers of the Lord Jesus on behalf of Peter, for the upholding of his faith and his repentance and restoration. Perhaps m...

    This passage is undergirded by a number of principles pertaining to sin and failure. (1) Our every step, even our stumbling and sin, is included in the purpose and plan of God for our lives. While our motives may be wrong, and our actions displeasing to God, nevertheless God has included them in His plan to display His glory and to bring about what...

  5. Jun 12, 2023 · God opposes the proud and favors the meek (James 4:6–7, 10; 1 Peter 5:5–6; Psalm 149:4; Proverbs 18:12). The Lord rescues the humble but brings down the haughty (2 Samuel 22:28). The Bible names several weapons for pulling down strongholds and waging spiritual warfare.

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  7. Collapse (9 Occurrences) ... fail suddenly and completely, like something hollow when subject to too much pressure; to undergo a collapse; as, Maximilian's government collapsed soon after ...

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