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  1. Note: The “vosotros” form (second person plural) is grey as a reminder that it is not used in Latin American Spanish (i.e. in most of the Spanish speaking world) where the “ustedes” form (third person plural) is used instead.

  2. shihn. ) noun. 1. (general) a. la admiración. (F) She's more of a magician than a photographer. Her talent is worthy of admiration.Es más maga que fotógrafa. Su talento es digno de admiración.

    • 1. Irregular “yo” Form
    • infinitive
    • infinitive
    • + z + co
    • infinitive
    • 2. Stem-Changing Verbs
    • e fi ie
    • o fi ue
    • e fi i
    • 3. Irregular "yo" Forms + Stem-Changing
    • Example
    • comer
    • ir
    • ver
    • Example
    • Example
    • -imos -isteis -ieron / -eron
    • fi
    • ++ ieron
    • -er
    • hemos habéis han
    • habíamos habíais habían
    • habré habremos habrás habréis habrá habrán
    • habríamos habríais habrían
    • -a -amos -as -áis -a -an
    • e fi ie
    • o fi ue
    • o fi u
    • e fi i
    • -ra -ras -ra -ramos -rais -ran
    • haya hayamos hayas hayáis haya hayan
    • SER (TO BE)
    • Example
    • ESTAR (TO BE)
    • Example
    • Example
    • Example
    • Example
    • Who has the magazine?
    • Don't eat the candies.
    • Example
    • Example
    • ando / iendo (progressive construction: simple or compound tenses)
    • Example
    • the magazines.
    • Example
    • buy them for you.
    • give it to him.
    • nuestros(as) vuestros(as) sus
    • Example
    • Example
    • Example
    • Example
    • Example
    • Example
    • Habla consigo.
    • Example
    • Example
    • como as
    • Example
    • más (menos) more (less)
    • Example
    • Example
    • Example
    • Example
    • Example
    • c fi qu ble fi bil
    • Example
    • (special meaning with preterite)
    • Example
    • no quiso
    • Example
    • todos los días every day
    • Example
    • (meaning with imperfect)
    • Example
    • Example
    • Example
    • Example
    • Example
    • Example
    • Example
    • Example
    • Wishes,
    • To
    • Example
    • Example
    • *Exception:
    • Example
    • Example
    • Example
    • Example
    • Example
    • No nos
    • active voice
    • passive voice
    • Example

    There are three moods or ways to express verbs (actions) in Spanish. Indicative Mood (objective) Subjunctive Mood (subjective) Imperative Mood (commands)

    A verb in the purest form (without a noun or subject pronoun to perform the action) is called an infinitive. The infinitives in English are characterized by the prefix “to” + “verb form”, the Spanish infinitives are identified by the “r” ending. Example estudiar, comer, dormir to study, to eat, to sleep

    Spanish verbs are grouped in three categories or conjugations. Infinitives ending in –ar belong to the first conjugation. Infinitives ending in –er belong to the second conjugation. Infinitives ending in –ir belong to the third conjugation. (estudiar) (comer) (dormir)

    Spanish verbs are divided into three parts. (infinitive: estudiar) Stem or Root Theme Vowel "R" Ending (estudi-) (-a-) (-r)

    To conjugate a verb, a verb must have an explicit subject noun (ex: María), a subject pronoun (yo, tú, usted, él, ella, nosotros(as), vosotros(as), ustedes, ellos, ellas), or an implicit subject, to indicate the performer of the action. *ATTENTION* Subject pronouns are not used as frequently in Spanish as in English. They are used mainly for empha...

    Actions (verbs) can be expressed either in the present, past, future, or conditional tenses. They appear in either simple or compound forms.

    Verbs that do not require changes in their stems are considered regular. Verbs requiring spelling or stem changes are considered irregular.

    The present tense endings for regular verbs are as follows:

    The verbs listed below are irregular only in the yo form. Example

    hacer (to make; to do) poner (to put) traer (to bring) salir (to leave; to go out) valer (to be worth) caer (to fall)

    conocer desaparecer obedecer producir conducir traducir (to know) (to disappear) (to obey) (to produce) (to drive) (to translate)

    conozco desaparezco obedezco produzco conduzco traduzco Example

    coger (to pick, take) escoger (to choose) proteger (to protect) dirigir (to manage) exigir (to demand)

    The following verbs are irregular in the stem when conjugated, except* in the nosotros and vosotros forms. Example

    cerrar (to close) cierro cierras cierra cerramos* cerráis* cierran

    dormir (to sleep) duermo duermes duerme dormimos* dormís* duermen

    pedir (to ask) pido pides pide pedimos* pedís* piden

    The following verbs are irregular in the yo form and irregular in the stem when conjugated except* in the nosotros and vosotros forms.

    -go + stem change tener (to have) venir (to come) decir (to tell; to say) conseguir (to get; to obtain) tengo / tienes / tiene / tenemos* / tenéis* / tienen vengo / vienes / viene / venimos* / venís* / vienen digo / dices / dice / decimos* / decís* / dicen consigo / consigues / consigue / conseguimos* / conseguís* / consiguen 4. Jugar (to play) T...

    Spanish has two simple past tenses, the imperfect and the preterite.

    The imperfect endings for regular verbs are as follows: estudiar

    estudiaba estudiabas estudiaba estudiábamos estudiábais estudiaban comía comías comía comíamos comíais comían

    There are only three irregular verbs in the imperfect tense. era eras era

    íbamos íbais iban veía veías veía *ATTENTION* There are no stem-changing verbs in the imperfect tense.

    The preterite tense endings for regular verbs are as follows:

    vivíamos vivíais vivían veíamos veíais veían canté cantaste cantó cantamos cantasteis cantaron comí comiste comió comimos comisteis comieron viví viviste vivió vivimos vivisteis vivieron

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

    Hablan español en esa iglesia. Venden boletos aquí. They speak Spanish in that church. Spanish is spoken in that church. They sell tickets here. Tickets are sold here.

  3. ADMIRATION translate: admiración, admiración [feminine]. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary.

  4. pronominal verb. 4. (to be surprised) a. to be amazed. Los clientes se admiraron de que pudiéramos terminar el proyecto con tan pocos recursos.The clients were amazed that we were able to finish the project with so few resources. b. to be astonished. Me admiro de la entrega interminable al activismo de mi hermano.

  5. Spanish Translation of “ADMIRATION” | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. TRANSLATOR

  6. People also ask

  7. transitive verb. 1. (to respect) a. admirar. I really admire your stick-to-itiveness. Admiro mucho tu perseverancia. She is an outstanding professional. I truly admire her!Es una extraordinaria profesional. ¡La admiro de verdad!

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