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  1. David ruled only over the tribe of Judah for seven and one-half years (2Samuel 5:1 - 5). Further Study. To delve further into the details of King David's life delineated in this timeline, please see the Biblical chapters of Ruth 4, 1Samuel 16 to 30, 2Samuel 1 to 24, 1Kings 1 and 2 and 1Chronicles 2 - 3, 6, 9 to 29.

  2. 483-473. God uses. Esther to preserve Jews living in exile in Persian Empire. 458. Ezra leads second group of Jews back to Israel (Ezra 7:1-10), calls on Jews in Israel to abandon sins. 331. Persian Empire conquered by Alexander the Great and the Greeks. 323. Alexander dies in Babylon.

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  3. In Hebrew, the name Kohath symbolizes the ability of “Adam I Dynasty”. to live long and to be able to beget children well beyond the age of 100 years (as Levi begot his son at the age of 135). In his blessing = (“Genesis” 49- -10) = to his son Judah, {Joseph’s “Savior Brother” = (“Genesis” 37- -26)} Jacob.

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  4. God promised David a “house” (or dynasty) that was to last hundreds of years, and include the glorious Messiah as one of his descendants (2 Samuel 7; 1 Chronicles 17). (6) David wrongly ordered a census of the whole nation, bringing about a plague upon the people (1 Chronicles 27:23,24).

  5. 3128 B.C. Enoch was 365 years old. Gen. 5:24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not for God took him. 3073 B.C. Seth died at 912 years old. 3059 B.C. Noah, son of Lamech, is born. 2975 B.C. Enos died at 905 years old. 2880 B.C. Cainan died at 910 years old. 2825 B.C. Mahalaleel died at 895 years old.

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  6. › timelineBible Timeline

    The Garden of Eden. Genesis 2. Before 4000 BC. The Fall of Man. Genesis 3. Before 3000 BC. Cain kills Abel. Genesis 4. Before 3000 BC.

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  8. Summary Timeline 67 Detailed Timeline . Pentecost to Herod’s Persecution 69 Paul’s 1st Missionary Journey 72 Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey 74 Paul’s 3rd Missionary Journey 78 Paul’s Travel to Rome 81 Paul’s Roman Imprisonment to Apostle John’s death 84 . NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS Authorship of New Testament Books – Summary Timeline 89

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