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Quiet Chaos: Directed by Antonello Grimaldi. With Nanni Moretti, Valeria Golino, Isabella Ferrari, Alessandro Gassmann. A look at the strange bereavement behavior of an Italian executive. Based on a novel by Sandro Veronesi.
- (4.2K)
- Drama, Romance
- Antonello Grimaldi
- 2009-06-26
Quiet Chaos (Italian: Caos calmo) is a 2008 Italian drama film based on the novel of the same name by Sandro Veronesi.
Quiet Chaos is a film directed by Antonello Grimaldi with Nanni Moretti, Valeria Golino, Isabella Ferrari, Alessandro Gassman .... Year: 2008. Original title: Caos calmo. Synopsis: Time and again Pietro (Nanni Moretti) is gripped by a strange mixture of chaos and calm.
- (2.4K)
- Italy
- Alessandro Pesci
- Antonello Grimaldi
Jun 26, 2009 · Overview. Pietro is a successful businessman with a wife and a daughter. One day he helps his brother save two women from drowning at the beach. When he returns home he finds that his wife has died. Now Pietro has to take care of his daughter, Claudia.
Caos calmo. Quiet Chaos. Competition 2008. Time and again Pietro is gripped by a strange mixture of chaos and calm. Since the death of his wife he has found no peace. Lara died, quite unexpectedly, one summer’s day. Pietro was not at home at the time.
Caos Calmo es una película dirigida por Antonello Grimaldi y Antonio Luigi Grimaldi con Nanni Moretti, Valeria Golino. Sinopsis : Mientras Pietro Paladini pasea por la playa una mujer...
Caos calmo. Nanni Moretti, Laura Paolucci, Francesco Piccolo. Novela: Sandro Veronesi. Cuando la mujer de Pietro (Nanni Moretti) muere de improviso un día de verano, en ese preciso momento él estaba en la playa salvando la vida de una desconocida.