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    • Teamfighting with strong solo laners. Top: Aatrox/Sett. Jungle: Morgana/Taliyah. Mid: Pantheon/Renekton. ADC: Ezreal/Varus. Support: Yuumi/Nautilus.
    • Lockdown + Scaling. Top: Garen/Camille. Jungle: Karthus/Shyvana. Mid: Lissandra/Galio. ADC: Senna/Ashe. Support: Maokai/Nautilus.
    • Front-to-back Teamfighting. Top: Sett/Fiora. Jungle: Trundle/Sejuani. Mid: Azir/Cassiopeia. ADC: Xayah/Kai’Sa. Support: Rakan/Nautilus.
    • Wombo Combo Teamfighting (Delivery system variant) Top: Maokai/Malphite. Jungle: Jarvan IV/Zac. Mid: Orianna/Galio. ADC: Varus/Kog’Maw.
  1. I've included all viable team comps that complete 5 or more team challenges at once, as well as a sheet specifically for completing the harder Globetrotter challenges. Here's the spreadsheet. Some fun facts about these team comps:

    • Best Clash Comps
    • Smolder Comp
    • Pick Comp with Backline Access

    Clash is currently featuring two consecutive MSI cups and considering they are being played on the same patch, the team comps played are going to be relatively similar.

    Ideal Champs and Substitutions:

    1. Top: Ornn/Malphite 2. Jungle: Jarvan IV/Lee Sin 3. Mid: Ahri/Karma 4. ADC: Smolder 5. Support: Lulu/Milio Strengths – Incredibly scaling Smolder got introduced to League of Legends not that long ago, yet he’s already among the best picks in the ADC pool. Despite his weak early game, it’s much easier for him to scale up with the good level of coordination and communication you can have when clashing Clash games. With this comp, the goal is to hit those late-game power spikes on all of the c...

    Weaknesses – Really weak early on

    The tricky thing about this team comp is learning to play slowly early on. Avoid hard-trading with enemies and give them a chance to snowball. As long as you’re able to stay even, you will be in a winning position the longer the game lasts. The biggest issue with the comp occurs if the enemies are able to play for dragons early and they get to soul point before the 20-minute mark (get three drakes). Give up early objectives if necessary and get at least one dragon to slow the game down: it’s...

    Ideal Champs and Substitutions:

    1. Top: Camille 2. Jungle: Ekko/Nocturne/Kha’Zix 3. Mid: Pantheon/Ahri 4. ADC: Xayah/Kai’Sa 5. Support: Rakan/Alistar Strengths – You can one-shot 1 carry This team comp is very rewarding and almost unbeatable when played to perfection. Thanks to the great back line access with Camille and Ekko/Nocturne, you’re pretty much guaranteed to kill one enemy carry from the fight. The key to winning with this comp is getting Camille ahead of the enemy laner and having her put pressure on the side lan...


    It’s important to not fall behind with this team comp. If you have two of three lanes losing, the game becomes hard to play because you won’t have enough damage to make the picks. The trick is to wait for all the ultimates before making plays on the map. You can take advantage of your global abilities to capture neutral objectives like Drake or Rift Herald, and look to push the lead that way. 5. Ezreal Comp

  2. Team Compositions (or team comps) can literally refer to the five champions that a team chooses to play in a game, but they can also refer to overarching classes of team comps. Depending on the champions chosen, a team will have different strategies that they employ in order to win the game.

  3. Apr 22, 2024 · In this super in-depth guide, we'll teach you the ins and outs for every team comp and how to teamfight in every role in League of Legends.

  4. Team fight comps likely the simplest to execute, a lot of the time more CC options more won fights. If your best player is a split pusher go ahead and do that if the four can play around it with proper wave clear and disengage.

  5. In 5v5 combat, it's important to understand what your team wants to do and what the enemy's wants to do. Here are the major League of Legends team comps.

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