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    • Teamfighting with strong solo laners. Top: Aatrox/Sett. Jungle: Morgana/Taliyah. Mid: Pantheon/Renekton. ADC: Ezreal/Varus. Support: Yuumi/Nautilus.
    • Lockdown + Scaling. Top: Garen/Camille. Jungle: Karthus/Shyvana. Mid: Lissandra/Galio. ADC: Senna/Ashe. Support: Maokai/Nautilus.
    • Front-to-back Teamfighting. Top: Sett/Fiora. Jungle: Trundle/Sejuani. Mid: Azir/Cassiopeia. ADC: Xayah/Kai’Sa. Support: Rakan/Nautilus.
    • Wombo Combo Teamfighting (Delivery system variant) Top: Maokai/Malphite. Jungle: Jarvan IV/Zac. Mid: Orianna/Galio. ADC: Varus/Kog’Maw.
  1. I've included all viable team comps that complete 5 or more team challenges at once, as well as a sheet specifically for completing the harder Globetrotter challenges. Here's the spreadsheet. Some fun facts about these team comps: Exactly one viable team composition fulfills 8 challenges at once: Maokai, Nidalee, Galio, Ziggs, and Janna. This ...

  2. I created this website to make a "LoL team comp hub" of sorts, where players can go and look up or create whatever team comp they desire. There are professional team comps taken from past Pro LoL games, fully random team comps, hand-crafted themed comps, and community made comps!

  3. The site features a team comp roller, where you can roll three different types of team comps - Themed, Random, and Pro. Overview. Pro comps are team comps taken from past professional LoL games. As of right now, all Worlds games (Quarterfinals and higher) are added to the site.

  4. In 5v5 combat, it's important to understand what your team wants to do and what the enemy's wants to do. Here are the major League of Legends team comps.

  5. Team Compositions (or team comps) can literally refer to the five champions that a team chooses to play in a game, but they can also refer to overarching classes of team comps. Depending on the champions chosen, a team will have different strategies that they employ in order to win the game.

  6. Aug 4, 2022 · Nevertheless, in this blog, we have many useful tips&trick that can help you create the best Clash comps and rise on the Clash ladder. Before we start, by checking our blog about how League of Legends Pro Teams Draft, you can learn many useful things from top-tier teams of the world.

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