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Free map of Bertamiráns, Spain from Downloadable maps for use on school projects or to show your location within Spain. The map page also includes the latitude and longitude of Bertamiráns as well as its population and location in Spain
Bertamiráns is a town in Ames, A Coruña, Galicia and has about 9,100 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.
The MICHELIN Bertamiráns map: Bertamiráns town maps, road map and tourist map, with MICHELIN hotels, tourist sites and restaurants for Bertamiráns.
Bertamirans is the capital of Ames, the place where the ‘roads to Santiago’ cross and the old exit of Santiago along the Noia-Muros river, leading to the coastal area known as La Costa de Muerte. It also provides access to the interior part of the province, to towns such as Santa Comba and Carballo.
Bertamiráns is a locality in Galicia. Bertamiráns is situated nearby to Ames and O Campo da Festa. Mapcarta, the open map.
El mapa MICHELIN Bertamiráns: plano de ciudades, mapa de carretera y mapa turístico Bertamiráns, con los hoteles, los lugares turísticos y los restaurantes MICHELIN Bertamiráns.
Walk through Bertamiráns. Exit from the Socio-cultural Center, in the Plaza Chavián, to the petroglyphs that are just below the Santiago-Brión motorway, near the Bertamiráns-Covas road, and return to Plaza de Mahía, via Rosaleda and Av. of the Mahía.