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  1. Did a Welsh prince named Madog ab Owain Gwynedd sail to America in 1170 and found the Mandan tribe? Learn about the historical and mythical evidence of his voyage and its impact on the British claim to America.

    • Preface.
    • Chapter I. The Migrations of The Welsh.
    • Chapter II. by Whom Was America First peopled?
    • Chapter III. The Voyages of Prince Madoc.
    • Chapter IV. Supported by Welsh and Other Historians.
    • Chapter v. The Narrative of Rev. Morgan Jones.
    • Chapter VI. The Narrative of Rev. Charles Beatty.
    • Chapter VII. The Welsh Indians Moving West.
    • Chapter VIII. The Dispersion of The Welsh Indians.
    • Chapter IX. Maurice Griffith's and His Companions' experience.

    Some time since, J. Sabin, the well-known book antiquarian of New York,related a very amusing story to me of a clergyman from Rhode Islandcoming into his store and inquiring whether he wished to purchase anIndian Bible. At once Mr. Sabin replied that he did, and that he wouldpay him five hundred dollars for it. The clergyman was delighted,returned ...

    The etymology of the names of persons, places, and things is a curioussubject of inquiry. It is one of the safest guides in an attempt todistinguish the race-differences of a people whose history reaches backto an immemorial era. The names of Wales and the Welsh are comparatively of recent origin.The Welsh have always called themselves Cymru or Cym...

    By whom and by what means the American Continent was originally peopledhas been, in the main, an unsolved problem. That it will always remainso does not appear from new proofs which are being adduced to supportfavorite theories. Four of these theories have, at different times, andwith much intelligent zeal, been maintained. (1.) That the ancestors ...

    Owain Gwynedd was esteemed one of the greatest princes Wales ever produced. Upon the death of his father, which occurred in 1137 A.D., he took hisshare of the possessions, which were divided, according to the custom ofthe nation, among the sons, and he ruled North Wales, his seat ofgovernment being at Aberfraw, till 1169 A.D., when he died. Gwalchm...

    Many valuable historical documents in prose and in poetry relating tothe Welsh nation were destroyed by the order of Edward the First ofEngland about the time that he so inhumanly massacred the Welsh Bards.He feared that their recitations of patriotic poetry among the peoplemight serve to awaken and preserve the spirit of liberty andindependence am...

    In the year 1740 there appeared in the "Gentleman's Magazine," London,England, a very remarkable narration, written by Rev. Morgan Jones. Itis as follows: "These presents may certify all persons whatever, that in the year 1660,being an inhabitant of Virginia, and chaplain to Major-General Bennet,of Mansoman County, the said Major Bennet and Sir Wil...

    In a "Journal of a Two Months' Tour," written by Rev. Charles Beatty,A.M., and dedicated to the Earl of Dartmouth, London, 1768, the authorpresents a sketch of a visit to some of the inland parts of NorthAmerica during the year 1766. He was accompanied by a Mr. Duffield. Mr.Beatty was a missionary from New York, and travelled several hundredmiles i...

    Modern investigations and discoveries show that there once existed analmost unbroken system of defences, extending from New York,Pennsylvania, Virginia, and the Carolinas, in a diagonal direction, tothe valley of the Ohio, and thence into the great basin of theMississippi. These works increase in size and number as they advancetowards the centre, a...

    It was only after the most stubborn and sanguinary resistance that theWelsh Indians yielded the fertile plains of the Ohio valley to theirenemies. They moved down the Ohio River to its confluence with theMississippi, and here for a period took another stand, as is evinced bythe many remarkable remains and relics which have been brought to lightby a...

    The following letter, published in the "Kentucky Palladium" in 1804, byJudge Toulmin, of Mississippi, will be read with keen interest by thosewho have any desire to study everything relating to this subject: "Sir,—No circumstance relating to the history of the Western countryprobably has excited, at different times, more general attention andanxiou...

  2. Prince Madoc was the son of Owain Gwynedd, one of the greatest and most important rulers in the country, and while the legend cannot be corroborated there are many who believe it to be true beyond a doubt. Indeed, Owain Gwynedd certainly existed, his reign being marred by long and hard-fought disputes with Henry II, king of England at the time.

  3. Results from this biological family contain may descendants of Benjamin Bolling 1734-1832, Fh110, who for many years was thought to be a son of John Bolling of Group 1. The DNA testing proved this untrue and that he descends from a completely different family.

  4. The Bolling, Bowling Bolen Family in America before 1800 was first compiled by Todd Bolen and Lois Bolen Strange in 1987 and updated in 1997. Since it is now out of publication and only available in libraries, Todd has graciously allowed us to share some of the contents below. All Bolling researchers are indebted to him for this generous gift.

  5. Dec 31, 2007 · Chief Executive Officer at World Wide Web Hosting LLC, Discover Ben Welch-Bolen's known position history, network and 1 relationships. Find out about his known public assets.

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  7. Dec 12, 2019 · Learn about the Bollings, one of the first families of Virginia, who traced their ancestry to Pocahontas and John Rolfe. Explore their influence, achievements, and legacy in colonial and American history.

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