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  1. House Dayne is one of the most ancient houses in the Seven Kingdoms, claiming First Men ancestry dating back ten thousand years to the dawn of days. The first Dayne is said to have raised Starfall on an island at the mouth of the Torrentine, having tracked a falling star

  2. House Dayne is a noble, First Man house situated between what can truly be called true Dorne and the Marchlands. Their sigil is a white sword and falling star crossed on lilac. Their words have not yet been given to us, since GRRM believes it would be too much of a spoiler.

  3. Jul 2, 2014 · I've been trying to figure out House Dayne, and I don't know if I'm missing something, or if there's just not enough information out there. So, Arthur Dayne was in the Kings Guard and a close friend of Rhaegar. He had at least one brother, who was either older than him, or took over as heir once ...

  4. I am fascinated by the history of House Dayne, one of the most ancient Houses in Westeros. GRRM managed to add mystery and charm on everything that surround the Dayne family, making them very interesting and a fan favorite to some... and very unpleasant to others.

  5. House Dayne: perhaps the most famous dornish house along the martells. House Dayne is by far, one of the most interesting houses in ASOIAF, it’s history is thrilling, the characters mysterious (Ser Arthur, Lady Ashara) and they have the most badass sword in Westeros, Dawn.

  6. In the aftermath of Robert's Rebellion, Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, perished at the tower of joy. When Lord Eddard Stark returned Arthur's sword, the ancestral blade Dawn , to Starfall, Arthur's sister Ashara threw herself from the castle's Palestone Sword tower.

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  8. To your first point, there's actually quite a few prominent houses we don't have words for: the Manderlys, the Freys, the Blackwoods, the Brackens, the Tarths. That last one is especially odd considering Brienne is a POV character.