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  1. Apr 18, 2022 · If you want to rekindle a relationship and get back together with an ex, here are text messages you can send them.

    • “I Care About you.”
    • “I Have Your Back If You Need me.”
    • Nothing at All
    • Learn from The Best
    • “I’m Doing well.”
    • “I’d Be Lying If I Said I Didn’T Think of You A Time Or two.”
    • “I’ve Been Getting Really into…”
    • “I Know I Made Mistakes and I Own that.”
    • “What You Did Crossed The Line.”
    • “You’re Special, But I Keep Wondering: Are You The One For Me?”

    Letting your ex know that you care about them is a power move. That’s because it doesn’t ask anything of them, plus it’s short and sweet. You care about them, you own that emotion and you stand by it. They don’t have to ever respond, but you’re dropping this text on them or telling it to them to their face and you mean every word. Caring about some...

    Next up is letting your ex know that you have their back if they need you and that you’re there for them. Now I’ve seen a lot of PUA (pickup artists) and online manosphere stuff saying that being too kind and supportive is “simping” or worshiping women. Other “fierce women” type sites claim that women need to be distant, block their exesand stop ca...

    When it comes to the great things to say to get your ex back(that actually work), this has to be near the top of the list. Nothing. Like I said, I do not advise freezing your ex out or playing hard to get and treating them coldly. But that doesn’t mean you want to swamp them with messages or conversations. The first two items I put here both don’t ...

    In the past I tried to wing it with exes and relationships. It didn’t go so well. Many of the most crucial lessons are things we learn from trial and error, but I still wish I’d had someone who actually knew what they were talking about who’d had my back. Getting back Dani was partly due to following advice that actually works about what to say. He...

    If and when you speak to your ex, you want them to know that you’re doing well. This isn’t about putting on a brave face or any of that stuff. This is about showing them you are OK on your own and really meaning it. If you’re not doing well, say you are. See how it feels to say the words. Then consider it your mission to make it come true in the ne...

    This is a really good thing to say to your ex to get them back. It lets them know you miss them without being obsessive or creepy. It has a hint of teasing, but it’s not purely joking. “A time or two” is something we all know means more than a time or two. But it shows that you’re not focused on being sad or making your ex feel obligated to respond...

    Human beings are creatures of change. We’re attracted to movement, progress and achievement. We love to watch and learn about those who discover, learn, climb, conquer and create. We want to hear about and learn how to find that passion and drive within ourselves. If you want to get an ex back, a key thing to say is to open up with them about what’...

    Whatever happened that led to your breakup, I’m guessing it wasn’t pretty. In my relationship with Dani what happened is that I became clingy. Simply put, I started depending on her for my happiness and sense of wellbeing. This was unattractive and also stressful to her as she was trying to hold down a difficult full time job while also dealing wit...

    If your relationship is anything like Dani and I’s was, then you likely have problems going on both sides. It wasn’t just me being clingy that was an issue, Dani also did some things that I felt really crossed the line. When trying to get back with your ex it can be tempting to whitewash all this and shove it down the memory hole. I’d recommend to ...

    This leads directly into the next thing you want to say to your ex. This one is a bit of a scrambled eggs equation, because what you’re saying is that you recognize your ex is special and what you had was special… But you’re also not sold 100% on getting back together. It hints at a chance, but it doesn’t promise one. Saying this puts the ball in y...

    • Fools rush in. Before you dab on the aftershave and head around to her flat with a bunch of flowers, press the pause button. You first need to have a long hard think about whether she is actually worth it.
    • Give her space. Especially if you’ve only recently broken up, you don’t need to get back with your ex-girlfriend right away. Take your time and give your ex some space.
    • Remember why you split up. I’m not asking you to dredge up painful memories. This is not a therapy group. All I am asking is that you spend a few moments remembering the path that led you here.
    • No drunken texting. We’ve all been there. It’s 2 am. The room seems to be spinning slightly and you’re wearing most of a kebab down your shirt. Then a brilliant idea strikes you…
  2. Sep 29, 2023 · From cliché rizz lines that you've likely heard a million times (but never get old) to witty rizz lines and all of the phrases in between, we've got you covered.

    • Give It Some Time. If you’re serious about re-establishing a long-term, committed relationship, give the separation some time. Who knows, after a few weeks, you may realize that breaking up was the best option.
    • Give Her Some Space. You’ve given the separation some time, but the only thought running through your head is: ”I want her back!” If you’re committed to doing it the right way, the next step is more time and space — for her!
    • Do Your Own Thing. Have you been putting off a project you’ve been toying with starting? Well, now’s the time to jump in. Not only will it distract you during the “chill out” period, but diving head-first into a project has the added benefit of shifting your mental space.
    • Reflect on the Bad. While you’re cooling off, reflect on the relationship and what you could have done differently. During this period, don’t fall into the finger-pointing trap.
  3. 2 days ago · Couples fall apart and come back together every single day. It just takes work. If you are willing to do the work, you can have your relationship back, stronger and happier than ever. Here’s how to get your ex-boyfriend back and move forward together.

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  5. Jun 7, 2021 · If they respond, great. If they don’t, onward!” “I’ve been thinking about you. It’d be fun to get together soon.” Artschwager says texting an old hookup is less about what you say and more...

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