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    • Devan Coggan
    • Sersi (Gemma Chan) Much of Eternals' story centers on Sersi, who has the ability to manipulate insentient matter. "She can change things, and she's sort of helped humanity along the way, in little ways," Gemma Chan explains.
    • Ikaris (Richard Madden) Madden's Ikaris is one of the most powerful Eternals, with the ability to fly and shoot beams of light from his eyes. He has a special connection with Sersi, but they don't necessarily see eye to eye on their approach toward humanity.
    • Kingo (Kumail Nanjiani) Most of the other Eternals have tried to stay under the radar through the centuries, but Kumail Nanjiani's Kingo has done the opposite, making a living as a Bollywood star.
    • Sprite (Lia McHugh) Lia McHugh's Sprite may look like a preteen, but like the other Eternals, she's actually thousands of years old. "I sort of related to her in the way that I've lived my whole life because I look younger than I am," the 15-year-old McHugh says.
    • Overview
    • History Origins: The First Host
    • Biology
    • Alternate Universe Eternals
    • Powers and Abilities
    • Habitat
    • Miscellaneous
    • Representatives
    • Notes

    The Eternals are an evolutionary offshoot of humanity gifted with amazing powers and abilities to look after the human race throughout the ages. One million years ago, the mysterious, epic beings known as Celestials created 100 Eternals plus 100 Deviants and left. Since then, the Eternals have lived secluded on Earth, rarely interfering with humanity, and being reborn whenever they perish.

    After two devastating civil wars, the remaining Eternals of Earth chose a path of peace and dedicated their lives to bettering themselves and their society. The best example of what they can accomplish when working together is the power of the Uni-Mind, which is created when several Eternals join their will and intelligence together to temporarily become one powerful entity.

    Origins: The First Host

    About one million years ago, the "evolutionary borderline between apes and humans" emerged: Homo erectus. The Celestials, intrigued by the versatility of human genes, sent their First Host to perform genetic tests and experiment on this species. When the First Host got to the Earth, the Celestial Gammenon the Gatherer collected a few specimens, which Ziran the Tester mutated to create 100 grotesque Deviants (Homo descendus). After Ziran was done with its brood, Nezarr the Calculator performed his own tests and created 100 superior Eternals (Homo immortalis). The Celestial known as Tiamut the Communicator also helped design a few specimens, including the Eternal Makkari. As these creations were released back on Earth, the Eternals were given three principles: •Protect Celestials. •Protect the Machine. •Correct excess deviation.

    Uranos War

    Starting out as nomadic people, the Eternals eventually established themselves, creating the city of Titanos in North America.[note 1] Around 600,000 years ago, a civil war erupted between two factions of the Eternals: the side of Kronos, who cherished peace and non-interference, and the side of his brother Uranos, who wanted to use their powers to dominate the planet. Kronos' side prevailed, with the help of Oceanus, and Uranos and his followers were banished. When the two dozen exiles landed on Planet Uranus, they conquered the Kree outpost there to make of it their new home. As Uranos built a spaceship to return to Earth, Astron refused to follow his ways any longer and, along with three sympathizers, remained on Uranus, where they created their own colony.[note 2] The spaceship was then destroyed by a Kree fleet investigating the invasion of their outpost, thus leaving only seven Eternals alive. Those that survived decided to abandon their plans for revenge and, instead, created a colony on Saturn's moon Titan. Meanwhile, the surviving Eternals on Uranus encountered the native Uranians. Recognizing them as exiles, the Uranians allowed the remaining Eternals to live with them, under the condition that, if they ever left their enclosed environment, they would face destruction. At some point, the Titanians fell to warlike tendencies once more. As a result, the colony of Titan was ravaged by yet another civil war, thereby causing the death of all its residents save for the woman Sui-San, who lived in isolation.

    Death of Kronos

    Around 500,000 years ago Kronos managed to isolate the cosmic energy that empowered the Eternals, but the volatile containment tube shattered and exploded. The explosion transformed Kronos into a cosmic entity, but also killed all the other Eternals and brought the city of Titanos to the ground, almost destroying The Machine, the artificial intelligence that serves the Eternals. After being reborn in the Activation Chamber, the Eternals contained the anomaly generated by the explosion and discovered that Kronos' experiment had increased their powers. With their new abilities, the Eternals then discovered they could join their will and intelligence into one powerful entity, which they called the Uni-Mind.


    For the original 100 Eternals, their family relations were set when they were created by the Celestials and added to the Machine that is Earth. "True" Eternals (Eternals connected to the Machine) cannot procreate among themselves, but they can breed with other species, like humans and Deviants. The offspring of these, sometimes referred to as "Nephilites," may possess Eternal traits; however, they are not part of the Machine that is Earth and thus are not considered "true" Eternals. The Eternals of Titan are examples. On Titan, Sui-San and Mentor managed to reproduce two "true" Eternals (that can be added to the Machine) with the aid of the Quantum Bands. However, Thanos could not be fully added; only Eros was a success and was added to the Machine, increasing the number of "true" Eternals to 101.


    Eternals that are part of the Machine that is Earth have principles ingrained into their being. These do not apply to Eternals that are not part of the Machine (e.g. Thanos). When Thanos sought to be added to the Machine, Uranos warned the Mad Titan that it would mean he would be restrained by the principles, since they induce an involuntary response if they are not followed. •Protect Celestials. •Eternals of the Machine cannot attack a Celestial, even if they want to. This can be circumvented via outside telepathy. •Protect the Machine. •Eternals of the Machine must keep maintenance of the Machine that is Earth. This also includes Krakoa, as the Machine sees it as an extention of itself. •Correct Excess Deviation. •Due to the vague wording, this principle is the most up to interpretation. The Celestials had meant the Eternals to correct the Deviants who are experiencing spontaneous, dangerous mutation, but Eternals like Uranos and Druig have used its ambiguity to justify genocide. For Uranos, his loose and twisted definition of "deviancy" extends to any non-Eternal life, not just Deviants. •"YOU HAVE 24 HOURS TO JUSTIFY YOURSELVES." •This is a fourth principle added on Judgment Day by the Progenitor, who judged all life on Earth to determine if they should exist. After Judgment Day, Ajak Celestia reinterpreted this principle as "Every day matters, and we should act like it. We should act where we can, as often as we can."

    Gann Josin

    In the culture of the Eternals, a Gann Josin (or Gan-Josin) is both a title attributed to an Eternal's chosen life-mate and the bond itself. When comparing this bond to the collective consciousness that makes up an Uni-Mind, the Gann Josin can be seen as an intimate version of it since, like the Uni-Mind, it creates a mental union, but on a much smaller level since it can only be formed between two people. As a result, this bond makes the Eternal and its chosen partner lifelong soulmates while also creating a telepathic/empathic bond between them. The Eternal known as Sersi took fellow Avenger Dane Whitman as her intended Gann Josin, in the hopes of helping her control her emotion while being affected by the Mahd Wy'ry. According to Sprite, few Eternals choose humans for the Gann Josin. The people affected by the Gann Josin have distinctive full-red eyes. For a human to break a Gann Josin is an astounding act. •

    Earth X (Earth-9997)

    The past history of the Eternals of Earth-9997 largely mirrors that of their Earth-616 counterparts. However, it's been revealed that, at least on Earth-9997, the Celestials' intentions for the Eternals was not exactly as beneficial as they had thought. The Celestials' method of reproduction is to impregnate a planet with a portion of their energy (or embryo) as well as infuse Vibranium into the planet's core. Eventually, after centuries of gestation, the new Celestial would be born while destroying the planet in the process. In order to protect the Celestial growing within the planet, they would manipulate the DNA of the dominant species to act as unknowing anti-bodies. On Earth, it would be the pre-historic version of man that would be manipulated in such a fashion. Their first attempt yielded the Deviants, unstable creatures who were born in new and more horrifying forms within each generation. The Deviants were deemed too aggressive and so the Celestials created the Eternals. With their vast superhuman powers and beauty, the Eternals were worshipped as gods by primitive mankind. However, just as the Deviants were too aggressive, the Eternals were too aloof. They grew disinterested in humanity and became reclusive, thereby allowing the Deviants to take control of the Earth. The history of the Eternals, including their interactions with humanity during the modern age, largely mirror those of Earth-616. Following the mutation of humanity due to the Terrigen Mist, the Eternals left the Earth for good. They eventually settled on another planet, seemingly unaware that this planet was also host to a Celestial embryo. When the infant Celestial was born, the planet was destroyed, and the Eternals were encased in Vibranium, still alive but left to drift in space. Their bodies were found by the Inhuman Royal Family, who believed that Vibranium was the cause of the planet's destruction and decided to return to Earth to warn its heroes. The Eternals would seemingly find salvation years later as the Iron Maiden, a hero with the ability to manipulate vibranium, embarked on a quest to free the Eternals, so that the Eternal Sersi could use her abilities to free Cable from his Techno-Organic Virus.

    Marvel Cinematic Universe (Earth-199999)

    In Earth-199999, the Eternals are synthetic beings created by the Celestial Arishem who are made to believe that they come from a planet called Olympia. Arishem would send out groups of Eternals to populated planets to protect the local sentient life from the Deviants and allow the necessary growth of the population that would give energy to the new Celestials gestating within those planets. When enough sentient beings existed, the newborn Celestials would wake, destroying their host planet in the process. The Eternals would then have their memories stored within Arishem's World Forge before being mind-wiped and send on a new assignment. A group of 10 Eternals was sent to Earth 7,000 years ago, led by Ajak and consisting of Sersi, Ikaris, Kingo, Sprite, Phastos, Makkari, Druig, Gilgamesh and Thena. While helping humanity develop civilization, the Eternals cleared the Earth of Deviants after approximately 6,500 years. With their apparent mission finished, Ajak, who actually knew the truth about their mission, let them go their own ways and live lives among Humans, while keeping their true purpose hidden from everyone except Ikaris. In 2023, the Blip suddenly restored half of the humanity snapped by Thanos back to life, accelerating the awakening of the Celestial Tiamut. By then, Ajak had grown to respect humanity and did not wish to see it die, but was murdered by Ikaris, who remained devoted to Arishem. Ikaris then let the few Deviants (who were revealed to be alive in the previously frozen ice) hunt down and attack the other Eternals, distracting them from the imminent awakening of Tiamut. Ikaris, Sersi, and Sprite spend some time locating the others and informing them of Ajak being killed by the Deviants, who also managed to kill Gilgamesh in the meantime. When the remaining eight Eternals were reunited, Ikaris' deceptions were at last revealed. Sprite chose to follow him, while Kingo believed in the same cause but refused to fight the others and left. The other five Eternals planned to form the Uni-Mind and have Druig put Tiamut back to sleep until they could find a way to awaken him without destroying the Earth. This attempt was violently stopped by Ikaris, negating that option and forcing the Uni-Mind empowered Sersi to turn Tiamut to stone instead. With his mission in failure and his loyalties shattered, Ikaris flew into the Sun, seemingly killing himself. Afterwards, Sersi made Sprite's wishes come true by turning her Human and together, alongside Phastos and Kingo, they planned to resume their lives among humankind, while Druig, Makkari and Thena departed the planet to look for other Eternals. After the three Earth Eternals were abducted by Arishem, who planned to use their memories to judge if humanity was worth saving over the life of a Celestial, the space trio were found by fellow Eternal Eros, who offered his assistance.


    •All Eternals can join the Uni-Mind, even their Titan cousins. •All possess enhanced physical attributes, such as strength, speed, agility, reflexes, and stamina to varying degrees. •All Eternals are immortal, have regeneration, and commonly invulnerable. •Eternals have supernatural powers such as flight, telekinesis, telepathy, illusions, teleportation, molecular manipulation, and cosmic energy manipulation.

    Average Strength Level

    An average Eternal can lift about 15 tons without using any form of telekinesis, although some are able to lift up to 100 tons.


    Earth standard


    About 100 true Eternals connected to the Machine that is Earth. There are much more if including "Nephilites" and the Eternals of Titan.

    Type of Government

    Originally, the Eternals were ruled by a triumvirate of Patriarchs—Uranos, Kronos, and Oceanus—during the Age of the Patriarchs. The original 100 Eternals can be grouped into three categories: The Dynasties (3-Gen), the Atomic Families (2-Gen), and the Singularities (1-Gen). A Patriarch has full authority over his entire dynasty; thus, the three Patriarchs had the most voting power over the Eternals. After the Uranosian War and the destruction of Titanos, which resulted in Uranos' imprisonment and Kronos' ascension, respectively, Oceanus retired, thus ending the Patriarchs' rule. A new system was put into place where the Eternals would periodically vote via a Uni-Mind for a Prime Eternal (usually Zuras) to lead them.[100] For the new Eternal colony on Titan, it was founded by Mentor (A'Lars) and Sui-San. However, due to their son Thanos, this fell apart.

    Level of Technology

    Highly Advanced

    Cultural Traits

    The various "generations of Eternals" are simply large waves of reboots that affected the Eternals' population. There are familial relationships, but they’re static family relationships, since the Eternals of Earth have never procreated between them.[101]

    •Eternals of Olympia






    •As of Eternals (Vol. 5) #1, Kieron Gillen established that there have only ever been 100 Eternals, all of whom were created at once. Also established was the idea that any familial connections were programmed into them by the Celestials rather than being biological in nature, as the Celestials made the Eternals incapable of breeding with each other. For this series, Gillen had to create dozens of new Eternals in order to bring up the total to 100.[101] However, there are some discrepancies with Gillen’s list:

    •The roster given to the readers lists 102 names, if the Delphan Brothers are counted as four. It has since been revealed that one of those additional names was Eros, listed as Excluded “E”. The other is the mysterious (All Records Lost).[103]

    •Though there are 4 Delphan Brothers, whom bring the total up to 100, they were originally one Eternal. The Delphan Mother created the other three by cloning the original some time after the original hundred's own creation, an act which many at the time considered heresy. However, The Machine specifically says that it counts the Delphan Brothers as 4 out of the 100 Eternals. Without the extra Delphan Brothers, the total should be 97.

    •Gillen claims that all previously existing Eternals are present in the current roster, even if by another name, specifically citing Vampiro as one such example.[104] However Vampiro, and fellow Eternals Pixie and William Carmody, are unidentifiable among the roster both times it was shown. If the three were not included in the current roster of 97 (excluding the duplicate Delphan Brothers), then the total of Eternals would once again be 100 by including them.

    •On June 8, 2023, Gillen revealed on Tumblr that while he cannot remember details about William Carmody, Pixie is one of the Olympian Eternals, while Vampiro is one of the Damocles Foundation. Though he did add that this could be subject to change, depending on what future writers (or he himself) might decide to do.[102] As the only unseen member of the Damocles Foundation is Khonchan, he is the most likely candidate for Vampiro's true identity. Pixie, on the other hand, could be any of the 4 unseen Olympian Eternals created by Gillen; Mabb, Bakkus, Kernnis or Fionnmak.

    •With the births of Eros and Thanos, the total of True Eternals rose to 102. While Eros would become part of The Machine, Thanos did not.[105][106]

    • Shania Russell
    • Sersi (Gemma Chan) Much of the Eternals' story is expected to center on Sersi. Unlike others, she has a deep love for humanity and in the comics, lives among humans more than any Eternal.
    • Ikaris (Richard Madden) If the name Ikaris sounds familiar, then you're on the right track. This Eternal got his name from a tragic incident that occurred during his early centuries on Earth.
    • Kingo (Kumail Nanjiani) Most Eternals like to keep a low profile, but Kingo loves the spotlight. In the comics, he's a major action star who relies on his samurai skills both on camera and off.
    • Phastos - Brian Tyree Henry. Phastos is an intelligent inventor, known in the comics for creating some of the Eternals most iconic weaponry. Back in his Ancient Greece years, Phastos was mistaken for Hephaestus, the Olympian God of fire and metalwork.
  1. The Eternals are a race of near-immortal synthetic beings created by the Celestials. They were sent to multiple planets to protect and help evolve sentient lifeforms to power a Celestial seed inside the planet, which would absorb the energy made from the sentient lifeforms. Ten of these Eternals arrived on Earth during the Stone Age to protect humanity from the Deviants. The Eternals were ...

  2. Nov 2, 2021 · The Eternals are led by Ajak (Salma Hayek). Ajak is one of a handful of characters whose gender and/or race were changed from the original comics, where most of the Eternals were white guys. She ...

    • James Grebey
    • 3 min
  3. Nov 3, 2021 · Ajak (Salma Hayek): Ajak is the leader of the Eternals, as well as the matriarch to this dysfunctional family of ancient aliens. She has the power to heal, as well as the unique ability to speak ...

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  5. Sep 20, 2021 · The Eternals are a group of humanoid aliens who came to Earth some 7,000 years ago to watch over and protect us, Earthlings, from intergalactic nasties called The Deviants. Like the Deviants, the Eternals were created by some god-like aliens called The Celestials–more on them in a minute.

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