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  1. Based on these two new dimensions, I establish a classification of consensual regime types and winnow out two permutations which would most closely approximate the ideal of domestic social conflict resolution, and could also more plausibly be explained by irenic cultural norms, rather than institutional mechanisms.

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  2. Consensus government chiefly arises in non-partisan democracies and similar systems in which a majority of politicians are independent. Many former British territories with large indigenous populations use consensus government to fuse traditional tribal leadership with the Westminster system.

  3. The consensus model of democracy may be described in terms of ten elements that stand in sharp contrast to each of the ten majoritarian characteristics of the Westminster model.

  4. Mar 9, 2022 · More specifically, we find that the institutional set-up of consensus democracies (oversized coalitions, proportional electoral systems, and federalism) is associated with lower levels of polarization than the institutions of their majoritarian counterpart.

  5. As an alternative to majoritarian democracy, I propose a democracy based on consensus, both on its own merits and on grounds of continuity with pre-colonial traditions in many parts of Africa, including my own.

  6. consensus democracy is the preferable form of democracy for all countries, including those that are largely homogeneous. For the most part, I agree that this is a real discrepancy that represents a fundamental change in my thinking. The one qualification that I should like to add, however, is that consociational and consensus democracy are ...

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  8. Consensus democracy refers to a general model of integrative‐indirect democracy, a specific version of which can be found in countries like the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, and Austria.

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