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  1. › wiki › AracajuAracaju - Wikipedia

    Aracaju (portugalisht: [aɾakaʒu]) është kryeqyteti i Shtetit të Sergipe, Brazil, ndodhet në pjesën verilindore të vendit, rreth 350 km (217 mi) në veri të Salvador. Ka një popullsi prej 570.937 banorë, të cilët përfaqësojnë rreth 33% të popullsisë të shtetit.

  2. › wiki › AracajuAracaju - Wikipedia

    Aracaju (Portuguese pronunciation: [aɾakaˈʒu]) is the capital of the state of Sergipe, Brazil, located in the northeastern part of the country on the coast, about 350 km (217 mi) north of Salvador. According to the 2020 estimate, the city has 664,908 inhabitants, which represents approximately 33% of the state population.

  3. Aracaju ni jina la mji mkuu wa jimbo la Sergipe katika Brazil. Kwa mujibu wa sensa iliyofanyika mnamo mwaka wa 2006, mji una wakazi wapatao 500,000 wanaoishi katika mji huu. Mji upo m 4 kutoka juu ya usawa wa bahari. Makala hii kuhusu maeneo ya Brazil bado ni mbegu.

  4. Wikipedia Shqip është versioni shqip i Wikipedia-s, enciklopedisë së lirë. Ajo filloi më 12 tetor 2003 dhe tani përmban 100,000 artikuj. Për nga numri i artikujve, Wikipedia shqip e mban vendin e 75-të [1] sipas listës së Wikipedia-ve. [2]

  5. Aracaju (IPA: [aɾakaˈʒu]) nagyváros Brazília keleti részén, Sergipe államban, melynek fővárosa. Az Atlanti-óceán partjának közelében fekszik, a Rio Sergipe folyó torkolatánál.

  6. Mar 9, 2021 · Aracaju is the capital of the state of Sergipe, Brazil. It's the capital of northeast with best quality of life (according to Federal Government). It's located on the coast, and cut by rivers such as Sergipe and Poxim.

  7. Aracaju is a city located on the northeastern coast of Brazil, in the state of Sergipe. It is known for its beautiful beaches and colorful architecture. Some of the most popular tourist attractions include the Oceanarium, the Museum of Sergipe, and the Aracaju Municipal Market.

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