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  1. Buckeridge was born in Hendon in Middlesex, the son of Ernest George Buckeridge and his wife, Gertrude Alice (formerly Smith), but, following the death of his bank secretary father in World War I, he moved with his mother to Ross-on-Wye to live with his grandparents.

  2. Anthony Malcolm Buckeridge, schoolmaster, actor, writer and broadcaster: born London 20 June 1912; OBE 2003; married 1936 Sylvia Brown (one son, one daughter; marriage dissolved), 1962 Eileen...

  3. This short study attempts simply to justify Adams's inclusion of Buckeridge, the sole representative of the many architects who practised in Oxford for any length of time during the Victorian period. I have appended a brief account of the little that is known of his son, Charles Edgar Buckeridge (1864--98). Together,

  4. Feb 4, 2014 · John Buckeridge and his eldest son watch the BNP leader on TV. My wife and I often watch BBC’s Question Time – but it was a first when Adam, our eldest son, joined us. The appeal of Facebook, Playstation3 or almost anything else you can mention would normally lure him away.

  5. Oct 7, 1994 · 'I'm very proud of him, really,' says Buckeridge, a slight, quietly spoken white-haired gentleman of 82 who insists he never expected the stories to lodge in the public consciousness for so long.

  6. Jan 25, 2024 · As such, his genealogy doesn’t need to focus on Jewish royalty like Matthew’s (except King David, of course!). Instead, he takes his genealogy back to the first human, Adam. If Adam was, as the Hebrew Bible says, the first human being, then all people’s ancestry goes back to him.

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  8. Jun 28, 2004 · Buckeridge was born in Hendon in Middlesex, the son of Ernest George Buckeridge and his wife, Gertrude Alice (formerly Smith), but, following the death of his bank secretary father in World War I, he moved with his mother to Ross-on-Wye to live with his grandparents.

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