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  1. Apr 11, 2022 · Did it really begin in 1946 and in what form has it survived to the present day? Perhaps most importantly – can it endure? The special relationship is real. It’s not just a UK construct to bolster the image of a smaller country relative to a larger one.

  2. In 1791, Great Britain sent its first diplomatic envoy, George Hammond, to the United States. When Great Britain and France went to war in 1793, relations between the United States and Great Britain also verged on war. Tensions were resolved when the Jay Treaty was approved in 1795.

    • History of The Union
    • The Bond of Language
    • Special Interests
    • Friction
    • A Federation
    • Take A Page from America's Book

    Originally, of course, it began with our colonial history and the four Great Migrations that populated our Eastern seaboard in the 17th and early 18th centuries. That story and its impact on our cultural history are beautifully told in David Hackett Fischer’s Albion’s Seed. Our American charter documents were formed in English philosophy and jurisp...

    Language is the medium of communication that shapes our conception of the world. Nuanced, complex, adaptive, and confusing to foreign ears, the rich English language does create a bond between those whom Churchill described as “the English-speaking peoples.” Generations of American youth grew up discovering that richness and that bond in Treasure I...

    Then there are the countless special interests we pursue; so many of them, too, have an indelible and intrinsic British connection. Enthusiasts of Jane Austen, Jethro Tull, Shakespeare, Doctor Who, Gilbert & Sullivan, Charles Dickens, and the Stones will all agree. So, also, will members of British car clubs, St. Andrews’ Societies, medievalists, a...

    Of course, in any kinship relationship, no matter how special, there are inevitable times of friction, differences of opinion, and perspective. Eleanor Roosevelt described a family-like attitude in the relationship: “Though there is always in this country a certain amount of criticism of and superficial ill feeling toward the British, in time of da...

    Great Britain is a federation, whether or not it thinks of itself that way. Increased self-governance in Wales and Scotland would be easier for all parties to grow with if the British had a better intuitive understanding of the idea of federation. The devolution of governance to the Welsh Assembly and the Scottish Parliament has been a bumpy road t...

    Rather than expending Britain’s emotional, financial, and political resources in the palaver over whether to stay a Union, the spokespersons of Westminster’s constituent states would be far better served polishing the mechanism of their federation and finding it something to celebrate rather than argue about. America’s historic failures are an open...

    • Dana Huntley
  3. Jun 19, 2023 · The United States and the United Kingdom share a commitment to uphold democratic values, human rights, and the rule of law. The UK is among our strongest partners in defending open societies, freedom of expression, and media freedom.

  4. Apr 1, 2016 · The relationship coalesced at the very end of the 19th centurya bad one for Anglo-American relations, beginning with the War of 1812. At mid-century, the United States was worrying about British designs on the Republic of Texas and the Hawaiian Islands.

  5. Feb 22, 2024 · In 1946, former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill coined the term “special relationship” to describe the close political, cultural, and historical ties between the United Kingdom and the United States.

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  7. Jun 2, 2022 · The United States has no closer Ally than the United Kingdom. Following the end of the American Revolution in 1783, the United Kingdom officially recognized American independence, and in 1785 our two countries established diplomatic relations.

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